είκοσι τέσσερα - twenty four

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"Let's go into this shop. It looks good!" Hazel said, pushing me inside. The boys had their practise session today before the warmup match against Bangladesh and Hazel had asked me to go shopping with her, since everyone else was busy.

"Hazel, how's this?" I asked, holding up leather pants. "It's in your size as well!"

"That's really good!" She grinned. "It could go with so many things, good eye!"

"Hazel." I asked her as we sat in the food court. "Did he love Anushka a lot?" Well, that made her stop eating.

"Yes." She said seriously. "He loved her so much. I couldn't believe it when they broke up and over the fact that Virat was paying attention to cricket more than her. I mean, being a cricket player's girlfriend, you should have that in your mind!"

"Oh, wow." I was shocked. How could you ask a cricket player not to worry about his game?

"Wait, you didn't know about this?" Hazel frowned, looking at me.

"Well, I was in America for a year. I came back only a few months ago." I shrugged, the look of confusion falling off of her face.

"Ah, okay." Hazel asked. "Waise, you have nothing to worry about. I mean, he might have loved Anushka but he's falling for you."

Wait, what?

"You really think so?" I asked, looking suspicious. I mean, come on. We were acting, right?

He couldn't possibly fall in love with me, na?

"Pft, are you kidding me?" She asked, laughing. "Before you, he used to be hot tempered and pardon my language but his attitude was shit. Ever since you've come, he's changed."

"Wow." I said in a small voice, thinking. This couldn't be. We were technically fake dating, we can't be a real couple!

I mean, sure we sleep and cuddle with each other, we hug more times than normal and we act the same way we do both in the privacy of the room as well as outside. We have to, don't we? Plus, any cricketer could just sneak up on us. That's why we were doing all of this.

Weren't we?

Oh fuck.

It's a necessary chapter, she finally fucking gets what's happening😂😂

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