δεκαεπτά - seventeen

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"Hey." I whispered as I reached him, hands rubbing my arms. It was really windy outside.

"Why are you here?" He asked, not looking at me.

"I'm sorry."

Six hours before

"You've got to make an announcement!" Libby stormed into my cabin, looking at me.

"As far as I see, everyone already speculates that we're dating, it's fine!" I shrugged off, concentrating on the screen.

"No," She shook her head. "You need to do something big. Today there's a party at Rohit's. Go there with Virat."

"Rohit Sharma?" My eyes were wide open. Although, it was expected that I would meet famous people, it was a bit overwhelming.

"Yes." She nodded. "It's going to be a black tie affair and a perfect way to show off Virat's new girlfriend." She grinned looking at me. "I'll give you the rest of the day to search for a dress, go on." She says, getting out of my cabin.

"Being Virat's girlfriend is a pain in the ass." I muttered, switching off my desktop.

"Yeah." Virat's voice was heard, making me jump.

"I'm so sorry!" I gasped, putting my hands on my chest. "I didn't mean it, Libby wanted me to buy a dress for the black tie affair." I said in a hurry, making him laugh. And I mean proper laugh.

Wow, he was so pretty. I mean handsome. God dammit, why am I thinking this way? He's a killjoy. He is.

Get real, Pihu.

"Chill, I know." He stopped laughing after a full five minutes. "I wanted to accompany you."

"Why?" I asked, getting my purse.

"Because Virat's girlfriend needs the best dress." He grinned. "After all, it's a pain to be his girlfriend."

I poked my tongue out at him.

"How about this?" I asked, trying on the fifth dress. It was a pink fuchsia gown which had a gold chromatic shift in certain light angles. It looked so good but not to Virat, I guess.

"Nah." He went back to the phone.

"Okay, do you even see this? It's so beautiful!" I cried out, looking at myself in the full length mirror. Plus, it made my figure look incredible.

"It's not suitable." He didn't even look at me.

"Nothing's suitable for Maharaja Virat." I muttered to myself, the shopkeeper looking on in humor. She went back to the shop floor and after a few minutes, brought a black dress.

"This would look incredible." She said, handing me the dress.

I took the dress and went back into the changing room, vowing that it would be the last dress I tried on. Man, he was a harsh critique!

It was incredible! The gown had full sleeves, with a little hole for my shoulders and no neckline. But the back made up for it, it was so low! Plus, it had a tiny slit through which my leg would peek out, when I walked.

I came out slowly, looking and admiring myself in the full length mirror.

"Virat." I said, looking at myself. "How's this?"

No answer. Dammit, he was on his phone, again. The guy didn't have to come dress shopping with me if he didn't want to do all this. I turned around to see him, with his jaw dropped.

"You like then?" I teased him, watching as a blush fought it's way through.

"I mean, it's okay." He said after a moment, watching up and down. Is it weird to say that I liked it?


"Let's go then." I said, smiling. "Could you keep the pink one aside as well, I want that as well." I said to the assistant.

She nodded, taking the dress to the cashier.

"Let's go. I'm so hungry after this." I said, walking into the dressing room to change. After I had come out, we had a small fight about who was going to pay (which I'm proud to say, I won!) and we went to the food court.

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