είκοσι - twenty

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Virat won Man of the Match for the fifth ODI against WI💛

I watched movies the entire flight. Cartoon movies, to be more specific. The best part of the trip, by far.

Everyone had their own TV sets and consoles and everyone left me in peace, even Virat. Poor boy slept the whole flight, which means that once we land, he's not going to be able to sleep.

Ergo, he's going to keep me awake.

As we landed, we swiftly went through immigration (that's a first!) and went directly to the hotel. I checked in for the team and got the hotel room keys, ready to distribute to the half sleepy boys and family.

"So we're all on the same floor, which is the eighth floor." I said. "Room 801 to Yuvraj and Hazel, Room 802 to Rohit and Ritika..."

After everyone had been alloted to their rooms, we went up to our room. I was yawning every five seconds, while Virat was happily pulling the luggage, not tired at all.

"You should've slept, doofus." He grinned as he looked at my state.

"Ya, okay." I waved my hand in his direction, walking forward very very slowly.

I unlocked the room and walked in, happily jumping on the bed.

"So soft." I purred, stretching on the duvet.

"There's only one bed." Virat said, looking around the room.

"Don't worry, I've already informed them for another bed." I said, as he put the suitcases aside and came over to the bed and sat down.

I changed into my cotton shorts and tank top and lied down, telling him to wake me up once the bed had come.

"Cool." He murmured, switching the TV on and watching a football match.

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