τέσσερα - four

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New day, new challenge to conquer. I had told myself as I had got up.

It was Wednesday, the day of the interview. I had gone through a lot of interviews in my short lifespan, being first in my class at the Lady Shri Ram College would do that to you. I was the first choice for internship for all the companies that had come for recuitment in my college. But having already scored an internship from Adidas in my second year because of my dad, I had ignored the internship letters.

Adidas was good enough for little old me.

Espicially when they had sent me to Washington, USA. Fun memories, I swear. More so in the fact that I was actually legal to drink there.

You would ask me, why the change?

I would tell you, it was getting boring. It's true. Adidas was amazing and they had added a lot of weight to my resume but it was like I had a phobia of doing the same old every day. I wanted life to be unpredictable, unprecedented. Not repeated.

Ma hadn't understood but papa had. In fact, it's what he had done before becoming the Financial Officer for Accenture. Then he had found my ma and the change of jobs was history. He had said that his father had told him that his children would have the same thing and then he would get the headache of explaining to your child that a stable job was good.

So far, only ma was getting headaches.

I shook these thoughts out of my head and wore an office skirt with a suit, you know. Making the first impression. I put my hair up in a bun and put the slightest of makeup and walked down, eight on the dot.

"Scared?" Gayu asked as soon as I had sat.

"Not really. I'm nervous, I don't have any backups if I don't get the job." I muttered, buttering my toast.

"Nonsense!" Papa walked in the kitchen and kissed us both on the forehead. "You'll have a chance with Accenture, it's good that you're exploring."

"She'll be out of a job if she keeps on exploring!" Ma says, giving orange juice to me.

"I'll star with Gayu in her YouTube channel." I said to Ma, taking the glass. "Her fans love me."

"True." She said, eating toast. "I need you to be in a makeup challenge. You do good work at makeup."

"It's 8:30, wouldn't you want to leave now?" Papa asked, folding his newspaper.

"Yep." I popped the 'p', getting up after finishing my food. I washed my hands and kissed papa on the cheek, him smiling. I went to Gayu and ruffled her hair, her swatting at me. I went to the living room, where my file and purse were kept, curtesy of ma.

"Thanks, ma!" I shouted, running out the door after grabbing my keys from the counter.

"Do well and call me once you finish!" She said.

At the end of the interview

"You have, quite possible the best work ethic I've seen." Amanda said to me around the end of our interview.

"Thank you so much." I beamed at her.

"But I have a proposition. I want to see how you handle being at this post before Dubai. How would you feel working at BCCI for a few months?" She asked me.

"Um, I wouldn't mind at all, really." I said.

"Okay, Mr. Mahajan has only the one opening at Mumbai. Would you be comfortable working there?" She asked, packing up her briefcase.

"Yes, absolutely." I agreed.

"Great. You'll join in two weeks. If there's any problem, email me. I'll also send you your supervisor's contact details." She said, getting up.

"Okay, thank you ma'am." I said, getting up and shaking her hand.

"Welcome to ICC." 

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