δεκατρία - thirteen

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"So, met any hot guys?" Gayatri spoke on the other side, making me face slam.

"Not you too, please." I spoke back, hearing her laughter.

"You're fake dating Virat Kohli." She laughed harder. "But I commend you, only two weeks and you've quite possibly snagged the most eligible bachelor. Woohoo."

"Yaar, it was just absolute shit timing." I groaned.

"Look at it this way, which person gets paid to be with Virat Kohli?" She said and then sighed. "I swear, what I wouldn't do to be in your position."

"Shut up." I said.

"Waise, you'll be going to Birmingham then, yes?" She spoke.

"Definately. I'll be going in two weeks." I said. "The only thing great about this is that England is so cold and nice and cold." She giggled.

"Yep, you don't have to be in a pressure cooker anymore, yay!" She cheered. "I have to go now, bye babe, muah."

"Ya ya, bye babes." I disconnected the call and put my phone back in the purse. Suddenly, a knock was heard and I turned around just in time to see Virat and Libby come in.

"Hi, sit." I extended the invitation to Libby, Virat could do whatever he wanted.

"No, no thanks." She shook her head and made Virat sit in the chair. "You both get to know each other, okay?" She walked out, leaving me with the petulant child.

"So, favourite colour?" I asked, sitting down on my chair and bringing it closer.

"Are you dumb? Wikipedia meh check kar leh." He muttered.

"Well, okay then." I couldn't give two fucks about him. "Do whatever you want, I absolutely don't give a shit anymore." I switched on my desktop and began working.

After ten minutes, he tried to peep at the work I was doing.

"You could ask what I am doing, you know?" I said, amused. "I'm not an idiot."

"Okay, what are you doing?" He countered back.

"I'm actually booking the hotels for your Champions Trophy." I grinned at him. "I need to make sure they're up to BCCI Standards too."

"You're really in charge?" He asked and I frowned.

"Yea, you better act extra nice to me." I said. "Didn't the Big Boss tell you?"

"Well, I didn't believe him, you know." He shook his head. "Where are we staying?"

"Uh, no." I told him. "You aren't allowed to know until at the airport. Shut your face."

He smirked. "So you do know the rules!"

"Dude, I ain't new to all this." I frowned at him, did he think I was some kind of an idiot?

"Okay fine." He went back to his phone. "What is your favourite colour?"

"Why?" I asked and grinned. "Okay it's black and pink." He smirked.

"Typical girly choice." He said.

"Oh yeah, what's your favourite?" I asked.

"Black, like your soul." He said and I pouted.

"Typical boy colours." I said, turning back to the desktop. "Now shoo, I need to do some work."

"Cool with me."

Kairos | Virat Kohli [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now