Outline-The Babysitter

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Keep in mind the ideas are very scattered because this was just my outline. Hope you enjoy seeing the story from my side of the screen!! All the unedited ideas and random bits and pieces that popped into my head that formed together to make chapters which formed together to make this wonderful story :)

1- dad and I move in and get invited over to dinner

2-We go to dinner and meet the family except for Zach

3-I babysits for Reese and Ryan while the parents go to pick Zach up from the airport. Zach and I start talking and fall asleep on the couch, he carries me to Reese's room and I sleep over

4- (Thursday morning )I wake up in the Herron house and eat breakfast with them, they plan to all go tubing the next day and they invited me

5- I go to the lake and go tubing, the family goes on a hike and Zach and I stay on the boat

6- Zach kisses me for the first time. We hang out on the boat for an hr before the family gets back. I go home and Zach texts me at 2am. He's outside my window with roses and he asks me to be his girlfriend. I say yes of course 

7- The next day is Saturday, on Saturday nights Mr. and Mrs. Herron try to have a date night. They are going out to a restaurant and was wondering if I could keep Zach company and babysit Reese and Ryan. I say yes and Zach and I hang out and  talk and go live on younow (gets a lot of backlash), you start to grow a following on Instagram and twitter

8- pt 1   A week later of dating with Zach...he gets me a puppy for my birthday. 

9- pt 2   I take the puppy on a walk to the park where he has a birthday picnic set up and the other 4 boys are on FaceTime with Zach and they all sing happy birthday to me. I get a hbd text from my grandma and that gets Zach wondering about my mom, "haven't you gotten a call from your mom today?" explain mom situation to Zach

10- Zach's childhood best friend (Ben) comes to stay with the Herron family for a week. We hang out and I like him at first, but then I overhear him telling Zach that he should "date someone more popular" and my feelings are hurt. Zach doesn't agree at all and still wants to date me, regardless of his childhood friends approval.  I start to question whether or not I'm a burden to Zach.

11- I ask Zach for a break and he doesn't want one at all, things pause on a bad note. Myta asks me to babysit for Reese and Ryan that night. Zach will be home but I don't mind because I don't need to pay attention to him. After I put Reese to bed, Zach comes into the kitchen while I'm  cleaning up and putting the food away. He tries to convince me to date him again, he explains that I'm not a burden and that I help keep him grounded and he needs me. Zach and I get back together . You stay there till 2am until Myta and Mr. Herron get home. 

12- Corbyn flies down with Christina from New York to stay with Zach. We go on a double date to the movies.

13- Hometown performance- Zach's manager plans for him to sing in the Dallas Summer music festival on June 24th. Zach asks me to do it with him, I'm hesitant but say yes. We sing Little Do You Know and have a great time. This is the moment when I realize this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. 

14 Pt.1-  1 1/2 months later August 15th...There is a business trip that Mr. Herron and my dad have to go on in Florida (since they both work at the same computer company). Myta decides to surprise Reese and Ryan with a trip to Disney World, this way Mr. Herron can go on his business trip but the rest of the family can get some use out of this time by turning it into a vacation. They leave on Monday and will be back Saturday night. Zach and I are both 16 and can handle being by yourselves for a week. I bring the puppy over to his house and spend most of the week there sleeping in his bed with him.  this ch. cuts off right before they are about to have sex. 

The Babysitter//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now