Ch 16- Unwanted Guest

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I spend most of the week at Zach's house sharing a bed with him and our pup.

Friday night approaches and Zach and I decide to spend the night at my house this time.

Around 10pm we head up to bed.

"I'll be right there," I start. "I'm going to grab us some water." I say while turning around and walking down three steps I just walked up.

"Ok, I'll get the Netflix set up...what do you want to watch tonight?" he asks.

"Let's finish the last episode of Orange is the New Black!!" I exclaim.

As I close the fridge with two water bottles in my hand, I hear a knock at the door.

Why would anyone be knocking on our door at 10pm in this neighborhood? I know it's not my dad or Zach's family because they are still in Florida and don't return until Sunday night.

I set the water down right next to the door and turn the lock. When the door opens I see someone I never expected to see in a million years.

It's my mother. A wave of mixed emotions take over my body. 

"Hello sweetie..." my mom says hesitantly while walking into my house.

"What are you doing here?" I ask nervously.

She treats me horribly majority of my life and then once I finally have the courage to leave her in the past...she manages to put herself right in the middle of my life again. This is unfair.

"I saw on Facebook that your father was in Florida and thought this would be my chance to come see you. I bought my ticket last night and got on a plan this morning." she says this with a smile. 

"You are a psychotic stalker!!" I scream. Zach must have heard me because he came running down the stairs.

"Y/n, Y/n whats wrong??" He asks concerned.

He runs to the front door, his jaw drops. I've explained the entire situation with my mom and he's seen pictures of her before so I don't even need to introduce them.

Zach looks very angry. He wraps his left arm down around my waist. I step closer to him and immediately feel more calm.

"I think you need to leave, you are not welcome at this house or back into my life in general." I say as tears fill up in my eyes.

"Please, y/n give me a chance to explain myself!!" she says begging me.

I look at Zach and then back at her. "You have this one chance, and if I still want you out of my life for good by the time you are done talking then you must leave." I say with a few voice cracks as tears run down my cheeks.

15 minutes pass of her rambling on and on about how sorry she was for how she treated me while I was growing up. She mentions that she is going to counseling and taking medication for her bipolar disorder.

I remind myself of all the pain she's caused me in my life. I no longer feel sorry for this woman crying in front of me begging to be brought back into my life.

"I want you to move back to North Carolina with me." she says with hopefulness.

I laugh under my breath. "Absolutely not. You think you can just show up at my new house where I have built a new life for myself, and try to rip me away?"

She tries to hold my left hand, I pull my arm away. "Don't touch me!!" I say loudly.

Zach straightens up and I can feel him getting tense.

"You need to leave." Zach says forcefully as I turn my head into his chest.

"But, bu-" she tries to mutter out as a last resort.

"Now." Zach says fiercely. 

She looks at me and tries to smile. "ok, ok I'll leave." she says in a quiet voice.

Zach shuts the door behind her and we stand there frozen until we see the uber drive away.

"What makes her think something like that is ok??" I ask wiping tears from my face.

"I'm not sure but you stayed strong and I'm so proud of you for that. Come on, let's go to bed now." Zach says while picking me up wedding style.

I manage to crack a smile as he lifts me up. We head upstairs to bed and don't even up starting the finale of OITNB.

The Babysitter//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now