Ch 48- Unexpected delivery

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January 11th

"I just got off the phone with mom, she booked her flight for February 5th!!" I exclaim.

Myta is going to be coming and staying with us for the first few weeks after baby girl is born. Plus, I want her to be able to help me with the natural birth so I can have someone who has experience...not to say I'm ungrateful that Christina and Ally will be by my side as well.

Even though she isn't due for another month, I've already been preparing my diaper bag/hospital bag. I'm just soooo excited to have her!!

After going on our short morning walk I take a nice relaxing bath, my back muscles have been killing me recently.

Since the boys are working on a new album, Ally and Christina have been coming over during the days. 

Today they came over to help me organize our bedroom. 

We decided that we are going to co-sleep with baby girl for a few months after she is born before putting her in the crib. This will be much easier since we will be changing diapers and breastfeeding constantly.

They helped me move the organizing cubby into our room and put all the diapers, white onesies, and other necessities in it.

Yesterday we revealed her name to our friends and family, everyone loves it!!

A few hours later, Zach comes home and Ally and Christina to go back home to their boyfriends.

We eat dinner and watch a movie before going to bed.

Around 2 am I wake up in pain.

I turn my table-side light on. "Zach, something doesn't feel right," I say in a worried tone.

"What do you mean?" he responds sleepily.

I stand up to try and walk this cramp out. "I can't explain it. It's like I have period cramps but 100 times worse." I lean over the foot of the bed taking deep breaths. "I think I'm going into labor."

Zach sits up in bed, "No it's too early. You are only 35 weeks pregnant." he says now completely awake.

"It's possible, Zach it hurts," I groan.

"Ok, ok breath baby, I'm going to call the doctor."

After 5 short minutes of being on the phone with the doctor, we came to the conclusion that I am in fact going into labor and that I should not attempt an at home birth.

I'm pretty upset about that, I wanted to be able a natural home birth away from the chaos of a hospital. But I'm prepared to do whatever I have to do to make sure she is safe.

"Can you call your mom," I ask packing up my bag. 

I started timing the contractions, I have about 10 minutes between each one so I have a little bit of time to get things ready before I'm unable to move for 2 minutes.

"How are you, honey?" Myta asks.

"I'm ok, actually I'm extremely worried. She is going to be almost a month early."

"Reese was born at 37 weeks old and she was a perfect little baby." she responds.

"But ___ is only 35 weeks old, this is too soon. Is there any way you can fly out tomorrow?" I say zipping the last bag closed.

"I'm on line right now looking at tickets!!"

"Another contraction is coming, hold on I can't talk." Zach comes and takes the phone from me and rubs my back as I lean over the yoga ball on the ground.

"So mom we are heading the the hospital in a few minutes, I'll call you and update you when we talk to the doctors."

"Alright sounds good. I love you guys"

Zach hangs up the phone and holds my hand as this contraction passes.

I then stand up and start to walk slowly downstairs, Zach follows behind with our 4 bags in his hands.

An hour later we are checked into our room and I have an IV in my hand, just like what I've seen in the many videos that I have watched.

Zach goes down to the food court to get himself something to eat, I'm not allowed to eat now that I've had my epidural.

The doctor comes in shortly after Zach left and began to go over some important information with me.

Zach comes back in the room while the doctor was introducing me to my nurse, Lia.

"Doctor Elwood, this is my fiancé," I say as our heads turn to the door that just closed.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Herron."

"Oh please, call me Zach." he replies shaking the doctor's hand.

"He was just running me through his thoughts at the moment about our situation," I say motioning for Zach to sit on the side of my bed.

"Since your water just broke, but you are nowhere near 10 centimeters dilated. We are going to perform an emergency c-section. Your baby is going to be moderately premature, but if everything goes as planned, she should be fine."

" fine?"

"Well, we can't make any promises, each situation is different."

In a book I read, it mentioned that the baby could have Respiratory Distress Syndrom which means she would have issues breathing. Maybe she'll be born with lung issues, or her other organs might not be fully developed. What if something is wrong with her heart, and it's not pumping blood correctly.

I'm drowning myself in "what-if"s.

Zach quickly explains the situation with our miscarriage so the doctor is more aware of why we are so worried.

"I know that you want this baby more than anything, but just trust that what ever happens, is for the best." the doctor says.

"No," I respond sharply. "I'm tired of that. I'm tired of putting my trust in something that I have no control over. You will deliver my baby safely, and she will be fine."

The doctor pauses, looking at Zach and then back down at me.

"It's time, please put your scrubs on Mr. Herron and Nurse Lia will lead you to the operating room."

The bed I'm laying on slowly starts to wheel out of the room and down the hall.

After a few minutes of setting up, They put the sheet up diving my chest from my stomach so I don't see the c-section being performed.

"Ok Y/n, you will feel some pressure." Dr. Elwood says.

I try to focus on the sound of Zach's voice and not the suction noises coming from the other side of the sheet.

"Almost there!" Nurse Lia exclaims.

Zach is holding my hand stroking it with his thumb. "You are doing great babe, I know it's uncomfortable."

"Here she comes! It's 4:57 am on January 12th." the nurse says. 

The room is loud with the noises from the tools, yet all I hear is silence.

 I don't hear the one noise I was told for months to listen for, the baby's cries.


A/N- don't kill me in the comments, next chapter coming soon.

About her name, I'm not going to say if you have guessed it yet, but it starts with E.

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The Babysitter//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now