Ch 31- Breaking point

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November 5th...

The past month I've been getting to know Shane a lot better. We are really close friends, I try not to think about what Corbyn told me. 

The bus is pulling into the parking lot of the venue. The boys are currently warming up their voices for the show tonight in the back lounge since it has good acoustics. Shane and I normally just hang out during this time since we finish warming up way faster than them. 

"Are you excited for the show tonight?" Shane asks.

"Yeah, but I'm a bit more nervous than anything. Raleigh, North Carolina is my hometown...I really don't want to mess up."

"You'll do great. If you get nervous just look off the stage and I'll be right there." he smiles and starts to lean in for what could be a kiss.

The back door opens and Zach happens to be the first one to walk out. I pull my head away from Shane's direction as quickly as possible.

"What the hell is going on?" Zach shouts with frustration.

"Zach I didn't kiss him, I swear!!" I stand up immediately and walk over to him. I try to grab his hands but he pulls away.

"Don't touch me. I knew this was going to happen!" he storms off the bus with Jonah and Daniel chasing after him.

"Dude, I told you not to try anything. You just messed with the wrong guy, Zach's not going to take this lightly." Corbyn shakes his head as he walks off the bus. 

My face turns red and I start to cry. 

"Jack," I pause and wipe a tear from my cheek.

He gives me a hug while I try to stop crying. "Zach just needs some time to cool down. Then try to talk to him again, ok?"

Jack pushes my hair behind my ear before smiling and walking off the bus.

I turn to Shane who is apologizing frantically. I start to walk back to the lounge. 

"Wait y/n, please!! I didn't know what I was thinking, it will never happen again. I take full responsibility, make sure Zach knows it was not your fault." 

I continue walking without even acknowledging his words.

The concert starts in an hour and I take this time to gather myself and fix my makeup.

My phone buzzes.

Jack: If I were you, I wouldn't talk to Zach before the concert..wait till after. He is still heated and I think he hit his breaking point with all this Shane drama.

Me: Thanks for the heads-up, I'll be in the venue in 10min.

The boys are out on stage talking to the fans.

Jonah introduces me since Zach was probably too mad to do it.

"Introducing Y/n Y/ln!! This show is very important to her since this is her hometown, be good to her!!!"

I walk out on the stage and see my old friends in the very front. A large smile plastered across my face, "thanks for coming everyone, we've got a very special show planned tonight!!"

After the show we all bow together. "I just want to say thank you to all of you guys!! You made this performance so special to me, I'll never forget it." I'm the last person to walk off stage. 

My friends meet us backstage and I get to hug them and talk to them for a few minutes before it's time to get back on the road.

"Hey Zach, can we talk?" I ask once everyone is settled on the tour bus.

He pauses, "Yeah sure". 

We walk back to the lounge, Zach starts talking first. 

" I know you're aware that he likes you. I can't believe you still hang out with him alone as much as you do...I was just waiting for something like this to happen."

"Zach I swear I only think of him as a friend and I didn't kiss him."

"I don't care if you kissed him or not, it's the fact that he was able to get enough confidence to make the move in the first place. I talked to James and Shane is being kicked off the tour. It's the only way to keep him from trying to do this same thing again." 

My jaw drops open. "You can't do that!!!! He didn't do anything wrong." I protest.

"He didn't do anything wrong...are you kidding?? He tried to kiss you and you have a boyfriend, remember?"

"Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. He may have tried to kiss me but at least I pulled away, unlike you and Emma." 

That must have hit a nerve because he immediately raised his voice. "Y/n what happened with Emma is in the past. Shane is leaving in 3 days and that's final."

"Have you realized that you are rehearsing pretty much all day?? It's not your fault, but I have been feeling so lonely. Shane is the only person who will talk to me. But not like you've paid much attention to me this past month to realize that. He is my friend and you are trying to take him away from me. You kick him off, then you are kicking me off too. I will not be lonely for an entire month without him."

You could reach out and feel the tension in the room.

Zach pauses and runs his hand through his hair.

In a calm voice, he breaks the silence. "I had Emma kicked off the photo shoots the night she kissed me. I took care of the problem. You won't fix this problem y/n, what am I supposed to do? I can't have a guy going after my girlfriend when I'm not always there to protect you."

"Protect me from what?" my voice cracks as tears fill in my eyes. "I need you to trust me, why would I ever cheat on you? I love you, Zach. You should know by now that you have my heart." I scoot closer to him on the couch.

He looks down at the ground. "I'm sorry for over-reacting. I'm sorry that I barely have time to talk to you. I'm sorry-" I cut him off with a gentle kiss.

I smile. "Just trust me, ok?" 

Zach manages to smile a little too, "Ok" he responds.

A/N- woah ok so drama alerttttt. Hope you liked this chapter :))

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to those in America!!!!!

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