Ch 49-An unexplainable Love for her (name reveal)

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"Why isn't she crying, why isn't she making noise??"I begin to panic, unable to handle the thought of losing another baby.

Nurse Lia looks at me with a fake calm expression. 

"Is she ok?" Zach almost shouts.

Out of the corner of my eye, I faintly see a nurse take her over to a table where they place a small oxygen mask on her.

"Is she breathing?" I ask with tears filling up in my eyes.

There is a pause before I get an answer.

"She is breathing!" I take a deep breath at the sound of these words, they bring me an unimaginable relief.

"Zach, go call mom," I say. 

"If you leave the operating room, you can't come back in." Lia reminds us.

"it's ok, I'll be back in the room soon enough once they finished stitching me up." 

He nods and kisses my head before leaving the room.

I am eventually wheeled back into the room where we previously were, expecting to see her.

"Where is she?" I ask after quickly scanning the room for my baby.

"I thought they were going to bring her with you..." Zach responds just as confused as I am.

"She's in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit having some help with her breathing. We are also monitoring her heartbeat."

I've read about the NICU, the thought of my baby being there churns my stomach because I know she wouldn't be in there unless she really needed to be.

Lia leaves, Zach and I are left in the room alone wondering when we will get to see our baby.

A few hours later Lia comes in pushing the little hospital bassinet with our baby in it.

Safe to say, that was the longest 5 hours of our lives. Waiting to see our baby for the first time. Zach got a glimpse of her, but I didn't.

"Baby girl is fine and just needed some help with breathing for the first few hours, we needed to monitor her and make sure she could breathe properly before we brought her in here. She is healthy." 

The nurse hands her to me. "Hi baby girl," I say with the biggest smile. Zach looks down at her and I can see the love radiating off of him.

Lia helps me start to breastfeed. "Does baby girl have a name?"

I look up at Zach. "Yes, she does." He smiles.

"Her name is Emmersyn Anne Herron."

"Aww, what a beautiful name!" Nurse Lia says.

"Little Emmy," I just look at her with the most adoring eyes. I have never felt such an unexplainable love for anything in my life. To be able to hold something that you created feels unreal, she is perfect.

Myta arrives around 2 pm, Zach and I explain everything that happened with the delivery and that she is healthy.

Since Myta is beyond excited and can't put her down, Zach and I take advantage of this mini break to take a quick nap. 

My break didn't last long because about 20 minutes later she begins getting hungry, I let Zach sleep for an hour or so. 

I face time Ally who is with Christina and the boys at the WDW house.

"Y/n we were so worried when we got Zach's text at 3 in the morning."

"Believe me, we were extremely worried too, but thankfully she is a healthy little girl!!." I respond kissing her gently on her soft head.

"When can we come see Miss Emmy Herron?" she asks.

I look over at Zach who mouths "seven" to me. 

"How about you guys come around 7? We need a few hours to get some rest."

"Sounds good, we'll see you guys later tonight!" 

At 7:01 pm we hear a light knock on the door. "They are pretty excited to meet her, aren't they?" I laugh pointing to the clock.

Zach answers the door and everyone walks in holding balloons, flowers, and pink teddy bears. 

"You guys didn't have to do that," Zach says. 

"Are you kidding bro, yes we did. It's the first baby to join the family, we are going to go all out!!" Corbyn exclaims.

Ally and Christina walk over to me and just stare in awe. "She's so cute!" they whisper excitedly.

"Can I hold her?" Christina asks.

"Of course you can." I hand her over very gently making sure not to wake her.

The boys all huddle around. "She's so light, it feels like I'm holding a feather," she says.

"She's only 5 lbs 11 ounces," Zach responds.

"Wow, congrats bro. This little baby is yours!!!" Jack says putting his hand on Zach's shoulder.

Emmy gets passed around so that everyone can hold her. I notice Corbyn's expression in particular. He is absolutely head over heels in love with Emmy.

"Christina, when are we gonna have one of them?" Corbyn asks jokingly.

"OHHH" the boys shout/whisper. 

Christina's face gets a little red. "I was just thinking the same thing," she leans her head on his arm and touches Emmy's little hand.

I hope Christina and Corbyn decide to start a family soon, she wants a baby so bad...and now it seems like Corbyn does too!!

Everyone leaves about an hour later and Myta heads to our house to drop her stuff off and bring a few things back to the hospital that I need. She's also going to stop by the store to buy some premature smaller baby clothes.

There is a moment of silence when the only people in the room are Zach, Emmy, and I.

"We are officially a family of 3," I whisper. 

Zach softly presses his lips against mine. "We made this, we made this perfect little angel"

We just look at our beautiful daughter, attempting to comprehend that she is ours.

A/N- all good with baby Emmy!!

I'm actually super surprised that nobody guessed her name!!

Expect a major time skip in the next chapter, this was the last "real" chapter of the book :(

I'm going to do a few more chapters about their future and everything like that but this was the last time-consistent chapter.

Thank you guys for this wild journey that is slowly coming to an end. You are all AMAZING!!

Over 100k reads, INCREDIBLE.

I love you guys sooooo much!! 

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