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*August 2nd, 2012*

 (Skylar on side)

I was trying to feed my dog Tucker and he slammed into my legs. 

"Tucker, dammit!" I yelled as my phone dropped out of my hand. The poor golden retriever looked guilty as hell and I felt bad. I petted him and he licked my face. I picked up my phone and let out a sigh. My screen was completely shattered and I groaned. My best friend called me just then and I sighed. I carefully answered my phone and sat on the floor with my dog. 

"Hey, Mels, what's up?" I asked. 

"I can't do our movie night tonight, Sky. I'm so sorry." She frowned. 

"It's okay. I think my night will be spent getting my phone fixed." I sighed. 

"What happened?" She asked. 

"I was trying to feed Tuck and he hit my legs and my phone fell which shattered my screen completely." I explained. 

"How's he doing? I know how important he is to you after the whole thing with your parents." She sounded concerned about me. My parents had been killed in November of the previous year by a shooting in their favorite restaurant where they were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary, just 2 months after I turned 17. Tucker had been their dog and he was nearly all I had left of them. I had a few things of my mum's and only a watch of my dad's. 

"I- I uh, I'm okay I guess. Listen I'm gonna go get my phone fixed." I said quietly. 

"Skylar-" She started and I hung up. Tucker knew I was upset and laid his head on my lap. 

"Okay, Tuck, I'll be right back." I grabbed my keys and shattered phone before jumping in my car. 

As I walked into the phone store I saw no one but one guy about my age inside. He hid his face and I was a little suspicious but didn't question it. I walked up to the counter and explained what happened. 

"It'll be about an hour. You can have a seat over there." The man told me as he pointed to the seat next to the guy my age. 

"Oh, sorry, I'll move." The guy apologized. 

"Nah, you're okay. Don't worry. I don't take up that much space." I laughed a bit. He didn't hide his face quite as much and I recognized him a bit. 

"Please excuse my being rude, but do I know you from somewhere?" I asked. 

"I don't know." He shrugged. He stopped hiding his face and I knew who he was. 

"Oh, you're Harry Styles. Cool." I smiled. 

"You're not gonna freak out on me?" He asked. 

"Nah. I mean I'm a huge fan of you guys but I know if I was in your position I'd want to be treated like a normal person every once in a while. I'd want people to talk to me for me and like me for me not my career." I shrugged. 

"Thank you so much. You're pretty cool. So what happened to your phone?" He asked. 

"My parents' dog knocked it out of my hand and it shattered." I explained. 

"Do you live with your parents? And if you don't mind my asking how old are you?" He wondered. 

"No, my parents were killed 2 months after my birthday last year. I'm 17, but I turn 18 in a month." I said quietly. I looked at my lap a bit and he didn't quite know what to do. 

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