Chapter Twenty Six

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*September 13th, 2022*

"Love, help me up, please?" I sighed a little. 

"I hate making you help me up." I groaned as he pulled me up. 

"You aren't making me. I choose to. Hell, you're 38 weeks pregnant with our third son." He kissed me. I pecked his lips and started waddling to the bathroom. 

"Fuck." I said quietly as my water broke when I sat down. I got a contraction just then and leaned against the sink so I wouldn't fall over. 

"Harry!" I called for him. 

"Yeah, love?" He walked in. 

"Water broke. Get the bag. I'll get the kids." I told him. His eyes widened and he gasped. 

"Holy-" He started yelling. 

"Shh! They're goin to hear you and get all scared!" I shushed him. 

"Boys! Shoes!" I yelled. They ran and started getting them on as Harry got the bag. 

"Mummy, where are we going?" Brady asked as we started driving. 

"The hospital." I explained. 

"Why?" They asked. 

"You're about to be big brothers." Harry explained. 

"Oh my gosh!" They started freaking out. 

"Guys-" I started but got cut off by a contraction. 

"Breathe, love." Harry kissed the back of my hand that he was holding. 

"Mummy, what's wrong?" Thomas asked. 

"Her tummy hurts." Harry told them.  

"I'm okay though, boys." I explained. 

"Boys, follow me, please." Harry told them as we got out of the car. They followed right behind Harry and we were immediately put into a room. The boys went and played on the couch while I changed into the gown and got in bed. 

"Above the waist, Harry." I reminded him. 

"I didn't look last time, come on." He begged. 

"You do not, and I repeat not, need to see that part of my female anatomy stretched like it will be." I pulled his head down. 

"But, love-" He started. 

"No, Harry. That isn't going to happen." I told him. I got a contraction just then and my aunt came in. She checked how far I was and her eyes widened. 

"Have your contractions been really close together?" She asked. 

"Yeah, minute or so, why?" I asked. 

"Hun, I know this may be last thing you want to hear, but you're ready to push. Now." She told me, seeing how exhausted I was. 

"Please?" Harry looked at me. 

"If you look I am not going to speak to you and you will be forced out into the hallway where you will not be able to see your son be born." I said through my teeth as tears filled my eyes. 

"Fuck, love, I'm sorry. Don't cry." He looked upset with himself. He hugged me and rubbed my back as the boys looked up.

"Mummy, are you okay?" They asked. 

"Yes, boys, just watch your show." I sniffed and Harry cupped my face. 

"I'm sorry." He kissed me. I got a contraction just as we pulled away and he rubbed my back. 

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