Chapter Ten

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*October 29th, 2013* 

We had been gone for 2 and a half weeks and I was dying to see Harry. With how busy we both were we only texted and hadn't talked on the phone since the first night. My belly button piercing had been hurting but it had stopped and it felt absolutely fine. 

"Hey, Sky!" Matt called for me. Our grandad passed away a few days after we got there and we had been helping out our gran. 

"Yeah?" I asked as I walked into the living room. 

"What flight time works best for you? In two hours or an hour and a half." He smiled a little. 

"We're going home?" I gasped. 

"You are. You've been a huge help and I know you and Harry are going nuts." He explained. I hugged him and he booked the flight for an hour and a half from then. I packed like crazy and said goodbye to everyone before going to the airport. For me, the plane ride took far too long. When I got off the plane I went straight to baggage and saw a very familiar face waiting. I ran to him and he hugged me tight. I opened my mouth to ask how he knew but he cut me off. 

"Matt called me after your flight took off. I love you so much." He whispered. I just kissed him and that told him my answer. We got my things and walked out to the car. 

"Love, when we get home can we-" He started. 

"Do you even need to ask?" I kissed him. 

"Holy shit, your accent!" He gasped. 

"You sound full blown, 100% Irish." He laughed. 

"Do not!" I blushed. 

"I have an idea." He chuckled and pulled out his phone. He called Niall and put him on the Bluetooth speakers in the car. 

"Niall, could you identify a fully Irish person and their accent just by hearing them?" Harry asked. 

"I grew up there, of course I could." He laughed. 

"Listen." Harry told him and looked at me. 

"There's no point in this! I don't sound that Irish!" I blushed. 

"Harry, who's the Irish chick you're hangin out with?" Niall asked and Harry cracked up. 

"Dammit, Horan, you just proved his point." I groaned. 

"Holy shit, Sky?" He gasped. 

"I spent nearly three weeks in Ireland, guys! Niall, you know damn well when you come back from a weekend in Ireland your accent is thick as fuck, and by the way, Harry, making fun of my accent is not the way to get sex." I raised my eyebrows. 

"True. She's right, mate." He agreed and Harry blushed. I stuck my tongue out at Harry and we got home pretty quick. 

"Don't bother with the suitcase just get inside." I grabbed his hand and dragged him into our flat. I kissed him the second the door was closed and started reaching for his shirt. We slowly made our way to our room and I was left in the shirt of his I had worn and he was just in his his boxers. He pulled my shirt off and pulled me in tight so our stomachs were against each other. He pulled away and took one look at my stomach before moaning slightly and kissing me again. 

"When'd you do it?" He asked.

"First night in Ireland. Jen and I both wanted it done so we went and got it and that's when we went and got a little drunk." I breathed and kissed him again. 

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