Chapter Thirteen

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"Oh my God." I hugged Harry. He rubbed my back and I started crying. Matt was close so they sat down on a couch and we sat down across from them. I started falling asleep and Harry rubbed my back. 

"Go to sleep, love. You barely got any sleep." He kissed my forehead. I protested a bit but finally agreed. I had my legs across his lap, my head on one of his shoulders, and held his other hand. I fell asleep pretty quick and he rested his head on mine. 

"Harry, you want anything from Starbucks?" Jen asked a little later as I woke up a bit. 

"No, I'm good, and I can't really get up." He chuckled. 

"Oh, but get her drink for when she wakes up, if you would." He asked her. 

"Shit, what is it?" She cursed as she tried to remember. 

"Grande double skinny vanilla latte with soy and cinnamon." He told her. 

"Damn, you're good." She chuckled. 

“Why's she so tired?" Matt wondered. 

"She was up all night thinking and got like an hour of sleep. I was gonna make her sleep when our plane was delayed but then some big thing happened so she only got the hour on the plane." Harry explained as he rubbed my back.

"What happened at the airport?" Matt asked. 

"Drama with some bitch fan. She told Sky to go kill herself when she went to the bathroom and I noticed in her voice she had been crying and she told me. We both ended up upset and I may or may not have confronted the bitch fan." Harry blushed a little. 

"I saw those tweets but I was a little confused." Matt nodded. 

"I was pissed. I hate seeing her cry and it killed me to see her that upset." Harry sighed. I realized I was really all over him so I went to move. 

"Sorry, baby, I'm all over you. I'll move." I mumbled and went to get off of Harry. 

"You're okay, love. Jen is going to Starbucks and getting your drink for you." He kissed my temple. 

"Thank you." I whispered and kissed his cheek. 

"I need to stop sleeping during the day." I sighed. 

"Harry, can I talk you you in private?" Matt asked. 

"Uh, sure. I'll be right back, love." He told me and I got off of him. I pulled him in for a kiss and he smiled before walking away with my brother as my phone rang. 

"Hey, Mels, what's up?" I smiled as I answered my phone. 

"I've just been missing Ty a lot and I was wondering if you still want to get those tattoos." She asked. 

"I was just talking to Harry about that earlier. I do want to get it for sure. Do you still have his signature?" I asked. 

"Yeah. I have made sure that no matter what I will not lose that." She nodded. 

"When do you get back again?" I wondered. 

"It's the 2nd today, so we get back the 12th." She explained. 

"Wanna go on the thirteenth and get em done?" I asked. 

"Sure. Right wrist?" She wondered. 

"Yup. I can't wait. It'll probably be pretty painful but the rib tattoos I've gotten hurt like a bitch. I don't think it'll be as bad. I could always ask Har if it hurts." I shrugged. 

"You guys are so adorable." She chuckled. 

"Why?" I blushed. 

"Normally at 1 year couples aren't as in love as you are. You guys are gonna last, and I'm sure of that." She smiled as Harry sat down next to me. 

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