Chapter Eight

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*August 22nd, 2013*

"Love, I'm back!" Harry yelled.

"I'm in the bedroom, dear!" I yelled back.

"I have a surprise for you!" He teased and I ran out.

"And what is that surprise?" I raised an eyebrow as he laughed.

"Turn around and I'll go get it." He laughed. I sighed but turned around like he asked. I heard him walk out and back in a second later.

"Okay, short stuff, turn around." He smiled. I turned around and saw him holding an adorable kitten. (Picture on side)

"Oh my God, Harry!" I gasped as he handed me the kitten.

"Her name at the shelter was Ellie. She's 5 months old and litter box trained." He smiled a little and I kissed him.

"Don't forget we're going out for dinner tonight, love." He kissed my forehead.

"I'm okay with keeping her Ellie, so her name is up to you. I'm gonna go get ready." I kissed him.

"We've got 3 hours, love." He laughed.

"Yes, but I've got a surprise for you tonight, so I need some time to get ready for that. I'm actually gonna go out and get my nails and eyebrows done quick. I'll be back in a few, my dear." I kissed his cheek. I was hoping to surprise Harry with finally going all the way that night. We had been dating nearly a year and still hadn't had sex. I got a few things done at the salon and headed back home. I had showered earlier so I didn't really need to. I had gotten my hair done so all I really needed to do was go get dressed.

"Love, we've got to go in 20 minutes!" Harry warned me as I walked in.

"I know! I just need to get dressed!" I told him as I ran into our room. I had moved into his flat a few months before.

"Your hair looks fantastic. Did you get it cut?" He pulled me in by my hips.

"I did, thank you. Now go so I can get all sexy for you." I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Gladly, though you're always sexy to me." He smiled a bit and kissed my forehead before walking out. I pulled on a skirt that he had bought me a few months earlier and a shirt that went perfectly with it but along with my best bra showed off my boobs perfectly. Just enough to tease him like crazy, but not quite enough to look slutty.

"Love, we're gonna be late!" He yelled.

"I'm coming, honey! Can you get my ring for me from the bathroom?" I asked.

"Sure!" He agreed as I pulled on my flats. Considering I was normally about 5'5" I was significantly shorter than him. The difference worked for us though so I didn't really bother wearing heels. I put in a couple pairs of diamond earrings and ran out to Harry. He grabbed my phone for me and put it in my clutch. I slipped my ring on and we hurried to dinner.

"Name?" The waitress asked without looking up at us.

"Raimer." He told her. He usually put in reservations under my name to avoid waitresses knowing who we were.

"Oh my-" She gasped when she looked up.

"Could we speak to Mr. Johnson, please?" I asked and she glared at me.

"Harry! Skylar! How are you two?" The manager (Mr. Johnson) walked out.

"Hey, Craig, we're good! How about you?" I smiled as he hugged me and Harry. He was my uncle so we knew him pretty well and always got what we needed at the restaurant.

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