Chapter Twenty Seven

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*September 14th, 2026*

"Happy birthday." Harry kissed my cheek. 

"Don't remind me." I mumbled into his shoulder. 

"Oh come on! You get to be pampered by your 4 favorite boys all day." He rubbed my back. 

"Yes, but I'm 32. I'm officially one more year into my thirties, and one closer to my forties." I sighed. 

"So? I'm older than you. Granted it's only by half a year, but still. And you're still as gorgeous as the day I met you." He rolled over so he was hovering over me. I smiled a little and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"I love you." I looked up at him. 

"I love you too." He smiled and kissed me. We kissed for a little while but I knew we had to stop. 

"Okay, love, I've got to go get breakfast started and wake the boys up." I pulled away and pecked his lips. 

"I'll go make breakfast. You take it easy." He kissed me. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm capable of making breakfast." I chuckled. 

"Nope. Well, you are, but I want you to relax. Today is also 14 years since we started dating." He reminded me with a smile. 

"That I will be happy about. Can you believe our twins are nearly 8?" I rubbed the back of his neck. 

"I know. It's crazy. Hell, our baby is 4." He rubbed my hip. 

"I'm going to go get the twins up, but we can resume our cuddling and flirting when we get back from all of our errands." I pulled him down and kissed him. He rolled off of me and we stood up. 

"Happy birthday." He mumbled into my hair as we hugged. 

"We're going out to eat tonight just the two of us, by the way." He kissed my forehead.

"Just as long as it's not too expensive." I kissed his jaw. He squeezed my ass and I jumped a little. 

"Don't get me all worked up now." I laughed a little and kissed his cheek. He went to go make breakfast and I went to wake up the boys.

"Brady, get up, honey. You need to get ready for school." I rubbed his back. 

"Okay, Mum." He nodded. 

"Thomas, baby, time for school." I rubbed his chest. They got up and started to get dressed. I walked over to Cameron's room and got him up too. I picked out an outfit for him and he pulled it on as I went and pulled on jeans and a shirt of Harry's. 

“Breakfast is ready!” Harry yelled up as the boys finished getting ready and I finished brushing Cam’s teeth. We walked downstairs and saw waffles on the table. Harry knew that was my favorite breakfast and I smiled. 

“Happy birthday, Mummy!” All the boys yelled. I smiled and hugged all of them. 

“Do you guys know how old Mummy is?” Harry asked.

“25!” The twins yelled.

“20!” Cam yelled. 

“Thank you, guys.” I kissed their foreheads. 

“I’ll take the twins to school and Cam to preschool. I have a few errands to run too so I’m going to do those quick too.” Harry hugged me after breakfast.

“Okay. I’m gonna go get a sexy outfit for me to wear for you tonight.” I smiled a little and kissed his neck.

“To dinner or for after?” He held back a moan.

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