Chapter Twenty Five

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*February 1st, 2022*

Harry was out with our twins having a guys day for his birthday so I was home alone. I decided to clean and started with our bathroom. I saw a pregnancy test box and my jaw dropped. 

"Fuck." I realized. I was 3 months late. We had talked about having another baby but never discussed when. The boys were 3 and 1/2 and we knew we could handle another baby. I drove to the drugstore quick and bought a couple tests. It ended up positive so I called my aunt and got into an appointment as soon as possible. 

"Okay, what're you wanting to know?" She asked. 

"Just want a picture. I don't want to know anything else. I'm going to surprise Harry with something but I want the first real ultrasound to be with him." I explained. She gave me a picture and I hurried to a store I knew about. They made a puzzle out of the ultrasound picture with 'Baby Styles #3!" and had it ready in 20 minutes for me. I headed to the grocery store and got everything for Harry's favorite dinner. I was in the middle of cooking when I heard them getting home. 

"Okay, boys, go show Mummy what you won!" Harry smiled as they walked in. 

"Mummy!" They ran over to me. I turned around and squatted down to their level. 

"We won puppies!" They held up stuffed dogs. 

"Guys, that's great! I'm nearly done making dinner, so why don't you go get washed up?" I smiled. 

"So what're you makin?" Harry whispered with a smile as I started cooking again and he hugged me from behind. 

"Your favorite." I kissed him. 

"And I have a special surprise for you and the boys after." I added with a smile and he rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"And what exactly is that surprise?" He asked. 

"See if I told you, that would mean it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." I laughed and kissed him. 

"Am I going to like the surprise?" He wondered. 

"I'm not sure." I told him honestly. I wasn't sure if he'd be happy about it or not. 

"Okay, guys, dinner's ready! Get in your spots!" I yelled to the boys. They told me all about their day together and before I knew it they were done. 

"Okay, surprise time!" I told them. I put the puzzle in front of them and Harry raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Don't give me that look, just do the damn puzzle." I laughed in his ear as I walked by and kissed his cheek. I started doing dishes and I heard the twins. 

"Daddy, can we help?" Brady asked. 

"Of course!" Harry smiled and slid their chairs closer to him. I was just finishing loading the dishwasher when I heard the twins. 

"Daddy, what does that say?" Thomas pointed to the words on the puzzle. 

"Baby Styles #3." He read and it sunk in for him a second later.  

"Oh my God, seriously?" He gasped and I nodded hesitantly, unsure whether it was a good or bad reaction. He jumped up and ran over to me. 

"Of course I'm happy about that." He whispered as he hugged me tight. 

"Hell, they're gonna be four when he's born." I added. 

"It's a boy?" He asked. 

"I don't know. That's just the feeling I'm getting." I shook my head. 

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