Chapter Eleven

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"Guys, get up and get ready to go out to breakfast." Jen knocked on the door and poked her head in. 

"When are we leaving?" I asked, half asleep. 

"An hour. It's about 7:30am right now." She explained. 

"Okay. Thanks, Jen." I mumbled and she left. 

"Wake up, baby." I kissed Harry's cheek. He didn't really respond but I knew he was awake so I left a lovebite on the sweet spot on his neck. 

"Fuck, you know how to get me up." He moaned a bit. I continued kissing his neck and he flipped us over. 

"Payback, love." He smirked a little and kissed my neck in the one spot he knew would make me go crazy. He left a lovebite and my back arched again. He put a hand on my back and supported my back as he continued kissing that spot. 

"Fuck, Harry, if you keep doing that I'm going to get even." I moaned a little but he kept doing it. I flipped us over and kissed his spot a few times. I kissed down his chest and slowly made my way to his stomach. I kept 'accidentally' brushing my stomach against his crotch just to irritate him. 

"I'm gonna go get ready." I jumped up just as he really got worked up. 

"I am so getting even next time." He groaned from the bed and got up. 

"I can't wait." I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. He pulled me in so our stomachs were against each other and whispered in my ear.

"Keep in mind it won't be rough, it won't exactly be gentle." He whispered. 

"Why not? Rough can be fun sometimes." I kissed his neck and lightly bit his ear. 

"Jesus Christ, you two! Enough with the sex talk, go get ready for breakfast!" Jen laughed. We blushed and walked out of the bedroom. Jen was out there and laughed. 

"Why all the lovebites just below your jaw, Sky?" She chuckled. 

"Just below her jaw on her right side is really sensitive I guess." Harry shrugged. 

"Hmm, I'll be right back." She decided and ran downstairs. 

"Hey, baby, I'm gonna try something." I heard Jen say. 

"What-" Matt started. 

"Just, lemme try something." She said and a second later we heard a decently loud moan. 

"Guys, evidently that's genetic!" She called up. 

"What?" Matt asked. 

"Sky, come here!" Jen yelled. 

"No!" I protested. Harry three me over his shoulder and carried me downstairs. I had on my bra and a pair of sweats and Harry had a pair of sweats as well. 

"Put me down here or my brother will see my ass sticking up in the air." I mumbled. He set me down and I reluctantly walked in. 

"Evidently that weak spot is genetic in your family." Jen laughed. 

"I-" I started protesting and Harry turned me around. He kissed my neck in that spot pretty hard and I moaned really loud. 

"Fuck, Harry." I complained. I turned to face my brother and he gasped a little. 

"Since when have you had your belly button pierced? And since when have you had a tattoo?" He gasped. 

"Belly button exactly as long as Jen, we got it done at the same time. Tattoo since my birthday but I got my first tattoos when I was 17." I fixed Harry's hair. 

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