Chapter Seventeen

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*January 20th, 2018*

Harry and I had scheduled our wedding for February of that year so we really only had about 3 weeks. Matt and Jen's fraternal twins had been born in September of 2016 so they were about a year and a half old. They had ended up having one boy named Henry (our dad's name) Stephen Raimer and one girl named Hannah (our mum's name) Skylar Raimer. My niece and nephew were adorable and I couldn't wait until I had my own kids. Me, Jen, and the twins were our shopping for their wedding outfits. They looked a little old for their age but they were both just adorable (Picture on side)

"Oh my God, Jen, this is perfect for her!" I gasped and Jen did the same when she saw it.

"It is perfect!" She got excited. Our wedding colors were lavender and light blue and the outfit we had found was light blue leggings and a lavender dress that perfectly matched our colors and what the wedding party was wearing. We didn't want to make the twins be all uncomfortable in clothes they didn't like for hours on end. Jen tried to check the price tag and I grabbed the outfit from her.

"Don't worry about the price." I told her.

"Sky, while me and Matt aren't exactly short on money we want to watch what we're spending." She sighed.

"I know. I'm not telling you that because I don't care that you're trying to save money, I'm telling you because I'm paying for the kids' clothes." I nodded.

"Skylar, no." She grabbed my hand.

"Jennifer, yes. I'm gonna spoil the crap out of these little kids because they're the closest thing I have to kids right now. Also, I'm their auntie and I plan to spoil them forever, and you can do the same to my kids." I explained and picked up my niece.

"Hanny Han!" I tickled her a little. I always called her Hanny or Hanny Han for some reason. She giggled and hugged me.

"Auntie Lyla, what that?" She pointed to the outfit. The twins couldn't say Skylar let so I was Auntie Lyla and Harry was just Uncle Harry.

"That is the outfit you're going to wear at my wedding." I explained and kissed her forehead.

"What I gonna wear?" Henry asked.

"I dunno, bud, we're tryin to figure than out." I explained and he nodded. I found black pants that he looked adorable in and loved and we looked for a shirt. We found a blue shirt with a clip on purple bow tie and he loved it.

"Okay, kids, let's go check out." I smiled after we found shoes for them and a bow for Hannah that she loved.

"Sky, I've got it." Jen told me as we got up to the register.

"Jen, no." I shook my head. The total ended up around about $125 and I was glad I was paying.

"You don't need to spoil these kids like that." She shook her head as we buckled the kids into their seats.

"I want to. Do you know the ridiculous amount of money my fiancé and I have saved up over the years? Hell, we've been together for over 5 years now and he's been part of the band for nearly 8. We have enough to get our kids and probably their kids through college. I want to spoil my niece and nephew, and these are also for my wedding." I chuckled as she backed out of the parking space. She pursed her lips and finally sighed.

"Fine. But I get to spoil the crap out of your kids too." She smiled and I did the same. She dropped me off and me and Harry's house (yes, house, we and the other couples had gotten houses built and moved into them about 6 months before) and I went in to go start dinner. Instead I found Harry cooking already and he smiled when I walked in.

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