Chapter Five

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My phone went off the next morning at about 10am.
"Hello?" I answered it quietly before it woke Harry up.
"Oh my God, Sky, guess what?" Melissa squealed.
"Lord, what?" I winced. Harry stirred a bit and I realized I had moved a little. I cuddled back into his side and he rubbed my back before kissing my forehead.
"Mike proposed!" She squealed. She had been dating her boyfriend Mike since she was 15 and he was 16. She was a year and a half older than me and we had met when we played volleyball together when she was 13 and I was 12.
"Oh my God, Mels, you're turning 20 next month, are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked.
"You're so insensitive! We've been dating 5 years and we've even waited to have sex. We're ready." She spat and hung up. I sighed a bit and put my phone back where it was.
"Morning, love." Harry rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.
"Morning." I sighed a little.
"How about we go get some breakfast and go see your brother?" He pulled me into his side tighter.
"That sounds lovely." I kissed him. We got dressed and went out to a little diner not far away. He got waffles and we decided to share them.
"What day does tour start, love?" I asked.
"February 10th, I believe." He took a bite of the waffles.
"I'm glad we at least get your birthday off." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"We don't get valentines though." He kissed my forehead. I nodded and he rubbed my back.
"Tired?" He asked.
"Exhausted. I kept waking up throughout the night." I mumbled and he nodded.
"We can go to bed early tonight. I kept doing the same thing." He whispered and I nodded.
"You done?" He wondered and I nodded. We paid and headed over to the hospital. We held hands the whole way and I got really cold. He was wearing his brown jacket and draped it over my shoulders. I smiled a little and kissed him before we continued. When we walked into Matt's room he smiled and I was still freezing.
"Love, come here." Harry pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back to warm me up.
"I love you." I whispered and he smiled a little.
"I love you too." He kissed me. Matt cleared his throat and we pulled away, blushing like mad. I leaned into Harry's side and he rubbed my back.
"Sky, where'd you get the ramones shirt?" Matt asked.
"It's Harry's." I explained.
"And the Rolling Stones shirt from yesterday?" He wondered.
"Harry's too." I agreed. He nodded and I yawned.
"Tired?" Matt laughed.
"After we went to sleep last night I kept waking up." I nodded and he raised an eyebrow.
"Did you go straight to sleep or was there something else going on before?" He questioned.
"Matt! We said we love each other for the first time and went to sleep." I blushed. Harry did the same and I was bright red. I coughed a little and Harry rubbed my back.
"I'm gonna go get something to drink, love, do you want anything?" He kissed my forehead.
"A water, please." I kissed him and he walked out.
"So have you two fucked yet?" Matt asked as he took a drink of water. I blushed bright red and he gasped.
"We haven't! It's not like I'm a virgin though." I assured him
"Why the hell not?" He raised his voice.
"Why don't you ask Emmett? He forced me to at least 10 times. Don't tell Harry though. I haven't told him yet cause I know he'll get really mad when I do tell him." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the ground. He was about to start yelling when Harry spoke up outside.
"Sky, can we talk out here for a sec?" Harry asked. I walked outside and saw him looking a little irritated.
"You didn't tell me he forced you to-" He started and stopped when he saw me looking upset.
"I'm sorry. It's not exactly something I enjoy talking about. I hadn't told anyone until I told Matt, even Mel. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but-" I started rambling and he kissed me.
"Don't worry about it. It's probably a good thing I didn't know yesterday or I'd have killed the son of a bitch." He hugged me.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." I mumbled.
"Love, don't worry about it." He whispered. I shrugged and he rubbed my back.
"Let's go back in there and talk to Matt." He kissed my forehead and I nodded.
"That motherfucker did what?" Matt yelled.
"Matt, I already told you, please don't make me say it again." I told him, my voice wavering a little.
"I need to call a couple people, why don't you guys go get some lunch?" He suggested.
"We just had breakfast not too long ago, and you are not calling the police." I told him.
"I'm not going to call the police. Just please go walk around or something for a little bit." He begged. Harry grabbed my hand as I sighed and we walked out.
"We could go shop at the mall a couple blocks away." Harry suggested.
"Sounds lovely." I kissed him. We walked to the mall and did some shopping before stopping at Starbucks. He bought me my usual latte and he got a drink too before we walked around the mall a bit more. We found a photo booth and jumped in. For one of the pictures we actually smiled, for another he pulled me onto his lap and we made stupid faces, for another he kissed my cheek, and for the last one we kissed. We each got one of the strips and we went back to the hospital to see Matt.
"Sky, what're you drinking?" Matt laughed.
"Grande double skinny vanilla latte with soy." I explained.
"Oh and some cinnamon too. It's delicious." I laughed.
"First of all, how the hell do you remember all that? Second, why the hell do you need a skinny latte? You would be fine with a normal latte." He frowned a little.
"I just don't want the full fat version." I shrugged.
"You're already super skinny. Be careful." He warned.
"Matt, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I brushed it off.
"I agree with Matt." Harry rubbed my back. I gave him a look and he made sure I knew he was serious. My phone rang just then and I answered immediately to break the tension in the room.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Sky, it's bad. Mel was in a really bad car accident." Her mum told me and I could tell she was crying.
"How bad?" I asked cautiously.
"She's on a ventilator and they're about to take her into surgery for severe internal bleeding. They're not sure if she's going to make it." She sobbed. I covered my mouth with my hand and tried not to cry.
"Shit, I'm in Brighton right now." I cursed.
"I'm going to talk to my boyfriend real quick and I'll call you back." I told her and she agreed before hanging up.
"Harry, I need to go back to London." I tried not to cry.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked quietly.
"Mel was in a really bad car accident and she's on a ventilator and going into surgery for severe internal bleeding." My voice wavered.
"Guys, go. I'm fine." Matt told us and I hugged him before we ran back to the hotel. Harry booked a couple train tickets for us and we got down there as soon as possible. The train ride seemed to go on forever and I was trying not to start bawling.
"Sky, I just want you to know I will always be here for you no matter what." Harry whispered. I kissed him and he rubbed my back as the train pulled up in London. We got out quickly and hurried back to his place. I got the room number from Mel's mum and we sped over there.
"She's not out of surgery quite yet." She told us as we walked in.
"I'll go get us some coffee." Harry kissed my forehead and ran off to go find us coffee. He walked in a few minutes later with two Starbucks cups and handed one to me.
"This is perfect. You got my drink right." I smiled after I took a drink.
"I figured it was just one of those days and it took me a minute but I remembered." He whispered as he sat down next to me.
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek. He rubbed my back and I rested my head on his shoulder. We waited for what felt like ever and finally a doctor walked in.
"So?" Mel's mum asked.
"I'm sorry. Her injuries were just too severe. She's alive at the moment in ICU but it doesn't look good." He said sadly. She hugged Mel's dad tight and I was in shock.
"Can we see her?" Mel's dad asked as he rubbed her mum's back.
"Only immediate family." He nodded. I was still in shock but nodded.
"Sky-" Harry started.
"Don't. I'm gonna head back to my place for tonight just to clear my head a bit but I'll talk to you later." I said quietly and walked out. Harry followed after me and I sighed.
"Harry-" I started.
"I'm not stopping you, I get where you're coming from. Remember that I love you and if you ever want to talk I'm here for you." He hugged me.
"Fuck, you're so sweet." I hugged him back.
"I love you too. I'll see you later." I kissed his cheek as my eyes filled with tears and I walked away. It was starting to sink in then that I was about to lose my best friend. I heard him sigh and I kept walking.
"Hunky Butt
I understand you're upset but I'm always here for you, love. I know it might take you a little while but whenever you're ready I'll welcome you back with open arms. I love you (:" he texted me as I reached my front door and added the kissy emoji. I smiled a little to myself and walked into my flat.

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