Chapter Twenty One

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*May 16th, 2018*

Harry was out with the boys while I cleaned up the house and I realized something. 

"Hey, Jen, could you do me a massive favor?" I called my sister in law.

"Anything, what do you need?" She asked.

"I think I need a couple pregnancy tests." I explained and she squealed. 

"Ill be there in 5 minutes with the kids." She told me and hung up. She rang the doorbell a little later and I ran to the door. My niece and nephew hugged me tight and I played with them for a little while. 

"Okay, kiddos, Daddy is going to get home in a little bit so we should get going." Jen spoke up about half an hour later. I hugged them all and thanked Jen before they left. I took the tests quick and they all said the same thing. Pregnant. I took a picture quick of the tests and printed it out. I realized I had gotten pregnant some time over our honeymoon so I grabbed a blank card and taped the picture of the test into the left side. I grabbed a pen and wrote on the right side. 

"You are hereby invited to the birth of your first child, on or around the second week of November, 2018"

I slipped it into an envelope and wrote Harry's name on it as he pulled up. I put it on the counter and ran upstairs. 

"Sky, I'm home!" He yelled up as he walked into the kitchen. 

“I’m upstairs, hot stuff!” I yelled.

“What’s this on the counter?” He wondered. 

“Just open it!” I held back a laugh and waited for his reaction. He read it under his breath as he walked up the stairs and as he read ‘2018' he walked into our room. He let it sink in for a second before his eyes widened and he gasped.

“Oh my God, seriously?” He gasped and I nodded. He hugged me tight before jumping back a little.

“Shit, sorry, did I-“ He started.

“You’re not going to hurt me, just hug me because we’re gonna have a baby.” I mumbled into his shoulder as I hugged him again.

“I’m gonna call my aunt real quick.” I kissed him. My aunt was an OB/GYN and I called her.

“Hey, Tiff, I was wondering if you could squeeze me in for an ultrasound soon.” I smiled a little as Harry rubbed my back.

“I can now, if you’d like! Just head over to my office.” She offered.

“Thank you so much!” I grinned and hung up. Harry hugged me tight and picked me up a little.

“I love you so much.” He kissed me.

“I love you so much too.” I kissed him. Our wedding photographer called me while we drove to my aunt’s office and I answered quickly.


“Hello, Skylar, this is Lisa. Your album is officially completed!” She smiled. She had had a baby about a month earlier so she hadn’t had time to work on it.

“Great! We’re headed to a doctor’s appointment so could we pick it up in maybe 2 hours?” I asked and she agreed.

“So, would this doctor’s appointment happen to be involving an ultrasound?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Uh, yeah, we found out earlier I’m pregnant.” I smiled.

“Congratulations! I’ll be here all night tonight.” She told me and I agreed before saying goodbye as we pulled up to the office. I suddenly got really nervous and tried not to start shaking.

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