Chapter Two

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*September 14th, 2012*

Harry and I were still good friends and usually ended up spending the night together anyway. We had nearly kissed countless times but blew it off. The press was getting suspicious and Harry was not a happy camper. 

"Hey, love, I'm on my way back to my place." I called Harry. 

"Okay, love. Want me to head over and we can do a movie night or something?" He asked. 

"Sounds lovely." I smiled. We hung up and I continued driving. I saw a cop a few cars back and got a bit nervous but did everything I could to obey traffic laws and avoid getting pulled over for driving without a license. I barely made it back to my place and went straight inside. I was absolutely exhausted and when I walked in I was shocked. Harry had set up dinner for us in my flat and it was gorgeous. 

"Happy birthday, love." He laughed and I walked over and hugged him tight. 

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek. We sat on the couch eating and I cuddled into his side. I looked up at him at one point and he looked down at me a second later. 

"Can I try something?" He whispered and I nodded. He started leaning in and I did the same. We kissed and it was amazing. 

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for." He laughed a little and kissed me again. My hands went to his face as he moved our food and we continued kissing. He ended up on top of me and my front door burst open. 

"Sup, bitch! Oh shit." Melissa yelled. Harry and I pulled away and he got off of me. 

"Give me a sec." I pecked his lips and dragged Melissa into my room. 

"When the fuck did you start dating some guy?" She got angry. 

"I'm technically not dating him. We've been flirty friends for like a month and a half and that was literally the very first time we've kissed." I assured her. 

"What's his name?" She asked, calming down. 

"Harry." I tried to avoid letting her know who he was. 

"Harry what?" She wondered. 

"Styles." I mumbled. 

"I can't hear you!" She teased. 

"I said Styles." I sighed. 

"Harry Styles? Yeah right." She laughed and walked out of my room. She went back to the living room and I followed her. I walked over to Harry and he kissed me. 

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