Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up around 3am and my stomach was killing me. I went to the bathroom and immediately threw up. I locked the door and threw up once more. I was going to go eat something to try to calm my stomach down but realized I wasn't hungry at all. I threw up yet again and I heard Harry get up. 

"Love?" He knocked on the door quietly. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"What's wrong? I heard you throw up." He sounded extremely concerned. 

"I'm fine." I told him. I flushed the toilet and started brushing my teeth when the door opened. 

"I have keys, ya know. What's wrong?" He frowned. I finished brushing my teeth a couple times and used mouthwash before turning to him. 

"I'm fine. It was nothing." I tried to walk by him but he wrapped an arm around my waist. I flinched and he got extremely worried. 

"Skylar, please." He begged. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. 

"I'm fine, Harry." I assured him. He sighed a little and kissed my forehead before gasping a little. 

"Love, you're burning up." He gasped. 

"I am?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and held it to my forehead. 

"Shit." I groaned and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Go get shoes on. We're going to the hospital." He decided.

"Harry, no." I shook my head. 

"Sky, it could be your appendix. Let's go." He insisted. I sat down on the couch and grabbed my shoes but when I tried to put them on my stomach hurt too bad. I could barely stand up straight. Harry came over a second later and put my boots on for me. 

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek after realizing he probably didn't want to kiss me after I had thrown up. 

"Just so you know, I don't care that you just puked. I'll still kiss you as long as you've brushed your teeth and I'll always take care of you no matter how sick you get." He kissed me. 

"Is your stomach getting worse?" He wondered. 

"Kinda yeah. It just kills. It's not my stomach though, it's like the lower right side of my abdomen." I sighed. He rubbed my back and was being very gentle.

"Has it been hurting all night?" He asked. 

"It felt odd after the movie but when we fell asleep it was starting to hurt a little, I just brushed it off." I explained. 

"Let's go. I know you can't really stand up straight but I'll help." He whispered. I nodded and he helped me out to the car before driving to the hospital. He helped me walk in a bit but I was still able to walk, I was just hunched over a little. 

"How may I help you?" The woman asked. 

"My girlfr- fiancée's stomach hurts really bad and she's never had her appendix out." Harry explained. I smiled a little at hearing I was his fiancée but I was in excruciating pain. 

"Melinda, next patient please." A doctor came out. 

"What's your fiancée's name, dear?" Melinda asked Harry. 

"Skylar Raimer." Harry told her. She ran to go get my file and handed it to the doctor before he led us back to a room. 

"Okay... Skylar, what brings you here tonight?" He asked. I was in enough pain I could barely talk and Harry could tell so he squeezed my hand and spoke up. 

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