Chapter Eighteen

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They wheeled her out and Jen was sobbing again. 

"Oh, Darling, it's okay. She's gonna be okay." Matt rubbed her back. I hugged Harry and I was really scared too. Matt kept trying to console Jen but suddenly Jen got sort of loud. 

"Matt, our baby girl is in there having surgery. Don't fucking tell me to calm down." She snapped and backed out of his arms. He hugged her again and apologized before she broke down sobbing into his shoulder again. 

"Auntie Lyla, where's Hannah?" Henry woke up. 

"She'll be right back, buddy, just go back to sleep." I told him.  He reached his hands up for me to hold him so I picked him up. He fell asleep almost immediately but when I tried to put him down he whined so I just kept holding him. Hannah got wheeled in before we knew it and Jen was extremely worried. 

"How is she?" She immediately asked the doctor. 

"Better than I've ever had it go before. She should be waking up very soon and all she has is a little one inch incision. It should be healed in a few days." The doctor smiled. 

"Oh thank God." Jen hugged Matt tight. We waited for Hannah to wake up and when she did she was obviously exhausted. 

"Mumma." She whined a little and Jen walked over to her. 

"Hi, honey, are you okay?" She sat next to her. 

"Snuggle." Hannah mumbled and cuddled into Jen's side. Jen kissed her forehead and Harry rubbed my back. 

"Guys, you can go head home. I know you guys barely got any sleep. You need the rest to relax this close to your wedding." Matt told us.

"We both got a couple hours, though he slept on the floor for it." I shrugged. 

"And why was he on the floor?" He asked. 

"We got in a fight before dinner." I looked at the ground. 

"How bad?" Jen asked. 

"I went upstairs around 7:30 and locked our door and I woke up around 1 and found him sleeping on the floor so I wrote him a little note and he got in bed with me." I explained and Harry kissed my temple.

"What exactly was it about?" Matt wondered. 

"I was being stupid and-" I started. 

"No, she was being reasonable and I was being a jerk. We apologized though and made up." Harry cut me off and rubbed my back. I rested my head on his chest and he leaned his head down. 

"I really am sorry about all of that." He whispered and kissed my cheek. I smiled a little and kissed him, making him smile too. 

"I love you." He kissed me. 

"I love you too." I pecked his lips. 

"Here, I'll take my son, you guys go home and get some sleep." Matt chuckled. 

"Lemme say goodbye to my niece real quick." I chuckled and walked over to Hannah. 

"I'll see you later, Hanny." I kissed her forehead as she slept. 

"Wait, Auntie Lyla!" She woke up. I waited a sec and my phone rang so Harry grabbed it out of my butt pocket for me. He said goodbye to Jen and Matt and Henry and stepped out to answer my phone. 

"What's up, honey?" I asked Hannah. 

"Thank you." She hugged me and kissed my cheek. I smiled a little and kissed hers too before hugging Matt and Jen and heading out. Harry was sitting down with his hand over his mouth. 

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