Chapter Twenty Four

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*November 5th, 2019*

Thomas had been crying all afternoon and holding his stomach. At first I just thought it was his stomach but I realized it could be his appendix. 

"Anne, I'm gonna take him to the doctor just in case." I told her around 6pm. 

"Thomas has been miserable and crying all morning so I'm gonna take him to the hospital since it may be his appendix. Don't freak out, I don't know for sure." I texted Harry as we got in the car. 

"Hot Stuff

Oh my God. Call me when you find out, please." He texted back. I took Thomas in and they saw him pretty quick. They said it could be a few things so they wanted a cat scan to be sure so I agreed. 

"Doing a cat scan, we'll find out soon." I texted Harry. I knew he was in the middle of a show but he needed to know. 

"Unfortunately, Mrs. Styles, your son does have appendicitis. He needs surgery now, it's about to burst." The doctor came in a little later. 

"Okay." I nodded and followed him. 

"Shit, Harry, answer your phone." I tried not to cry as I called my husband. 

"Hey, love, how's it going?" He asked, out of breath, and I heard the crowd in the background. 

"It is appendicitis. He's going into surgery momentarily." I started crying. 

"Fuck. One sec." He told me. 

"Okay, everyone, I've got to go, my son Thomas is about to have surgery and I need to get back to London." He said over his mic as he ran back onstage. All the boys hugged him for good luck and I heard him run offstage. They had a cab and train tickets ready so he was set. 

"I will be there in half an hour." He assured me. They weren't too far away but it was far enough he had to be on the road. 

"Okay." I sniffed. 

"Hey, relax. I love you." He told me as he got out of the cab. 

"Okay. I love you too." I nodded. I held Thomas as they gave him the IV and as he fell asleep. Harry passed his bed as he ran in and hugged me. 

"I'm so scared, Harry." I cried into his shoulder. 

"Me too, love." He whispered. He got a call from Anne a few minutes later and answered right away 

"Hello, Mum." He answered. 

"Have you talked to Sky at all?" She asked him. 

"Fuck, I forgot to call her." I mumbled into his shoulder. 

"Yeah I'm at the hospital with her right now." He nodded and rubbed my back. 

"How's Thomas doing?" She wondered. 

"He's in surgery right now." He told her. 

"Do you want me to keep Brady here or bring him there?" She asked. 

"Thomas will probably want him here when he wakes up." I whispered. 

"If you could bring him here in about 20 minutes that would be great. I want to have some time with Sky though for the time being." He explained and she agreed. He hung up and I continued crying.

"They said it was about to burst, Harry! What if it did!" I cried and he hugged me tight. 

"Hey, relax." He held me. 

"Harry, don't tell me to relax, our son is having fucking surgery right now." I snapped at him a bit. 

"Right. Sorry." He apologized. 

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