Chapter Fifteen

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I gasped and my hands went to my face. 

"Sky, I love you so much and I wanted to know if you would make me the happiest guy in the world and marry-" He started. 

"Of course I'll marry you, you dork." I pulled him up as I laughed through tears and hugged him. He chuckled at the inside joke we had and hugged me tight. Everyone started cheering and whistling as Harry slipped the ring on my left ring finger and I kissed him. 

"Harry and Skylar, I hope you guys have an amazing wedding and life together, and I am extremely happy for you both, and I also wouldn't mind a wedding invitation." The video of Ryan continued and he winked. 

"I really hope you two have an amazing life together. Congratulations." He smiled and the video faded out. 

"Oh my God, Harry Styles is engaged!" Someone squealed and everyone freaked. Harry and I decided to head home and jumped in the car. 

"Since you were able to set that up, would you happen to have Ryan's number?" I smiled at my fiancé.

"I do." He chuckled. He handed me his phone and I grabbed his hand. I called Ryan and he answered a second later so I put it on speaker phone. 

"Hey, Harry, how are you?" He asked. 

"Uh, it's Skylar. I just wanted to thank you for all of that with the proposal." I smiled, trying not to fangirl. Harry laughed a little at me trying to contain myself and squeezed my hand. 

"Oh it was no problem! To be honest I've always been a fan of One Direction and when Harry asked me to help I couldn't resist." He smiled. I did a little fangirl dance and Harry laughed. 

"Why's Harry laughing?" Ryan chuckled. 

"She's fangirling right now as we're driving home." Harry chuckled. 

"Really?" Ryan laughed. 

"Yeah, I am. You've been my favorite actor since I was a kid and that's why Harry asked you, I'm sure." I blushed. 

"Well your fiancé's band is my nieces' favorite band so they fangirled when they heard I was helping you guys." Ryan smiled. 

"Also, Ryan, I'm officially offering you an invitation to our wedding." I laughed a little as Harry put his hand on my leg. 

"Thank you. I'll make sure I'm there." Ryan grinned. 

"We'll let you know when we set a date." Harry smiled as he slowly moved his hand up my thigh, causing me to slap his hand away and giggle a little when he put it back on my thigh. 

"I'm guessing Harry is doing something sexual so I'm gonna let you two go now. But tell me when you set a date and I'll make sure Blake and I are there." He chuckled and we said goodbye before hanging up. 

"No trying to dirty things while I'm on the phone with Ryan fucking Reynolds." I scolded Harry. 

"Okay, we have two choices. We can go to the park and lay on top of the car and look up at the stars or we can head back to our flat and tell all the guys and girls." He laughed and rubbed my leg. 

"Is there a third option that involves sex?" I wondered as I rubbed his leg too. His jaw clenched a little and I smiled to myself. 

"We could always fool around in the car a bit before we lay on the car at the park. Or we could go home and have sex and tell everyone tomorrow."

"How about we go tell everyone before they find out from twitter, then we can go home or go to the park." I suggested and got to his upper thigh. 

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