Chapter Six

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Hey guys special update! I just got my tickets for my One Direction concert and it's on Liam's bday in Chicago and I get to miss school and I'm in the front row of the closest stands section to the stage so I'm extremely happy! Enjoy the chapter! Oh and my best friend @kennarai just posted an amazing new Niall fanfic so go check it out (:

*1 week later, December 11th, 2012*
I hadn't spoken to Harry in a week and I felt bad. Mel hadn't gotten worse, but hadn't gotten much better either. Every morning I would wake up to my Starbucks drink on my kitchen counter with a note from Harry. I decided I had shut him out long enough and jumped in the shower around 6am. He loved when I wore my hair up in a messy bun and when I wore one particular pair of jeans so I wore both. I grabbed his Rolling Stones shirt that I had and threw that on along with some UGGs. I stopped at Starbucks at about 8:15 and got us our drinks before heading over to his place. I knew he was still asleep and I walked into his bedroom.
"Wake up, love." I set his drink down on his nightstand and rubbed his chest.
"I don't wanna." He groaned. I kissed him and his eyes widened before closing again. I set my latte down and he pulled me on top of him. We kissed for a minute before he rolled me to his side and pulled me in tight.
"I'm sorry I shut you out like that for so long. It was a dick move and I shouldn't have done that." I apologized.
"Don't worry about it. I told you I would wait till you were ready." He kissed my temple.
"You're amazing." I kissed him.
"I love you." I kissed his cheek.
"I love you too." He mumbled into my hair. I yawned and he rubbed my back.
"How much did you sleep last night?" He asked.
"Two hours." I rested my head on his chest.
"Let's get some sleep." He kissed me. I nodded and he pulled the blanket over me.

I woke up around 10 and he was still asleep. I walked into the kitchen and made us some breakfast quick. It was just some pancakes and he walked down as I was finishing up.
"Hello." He wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"Hello." I smiled and kissed him.
"I love you so much and I can't even express how happy I am that you aren't mad at me and didn't leave me." I turned around and hugged him.
"Of course I didn't leave you. That would've been the worst possible thing I could've done. I love you too." He held me.
"Okay, hot stuff, what do you say we go do something fun today?" I kissed him.
"Such as?" He asked.
"I dunno. Mini golf, arcade, something like that." I shrugged.
"Hmm. We could do the arcade after lunch and mini golf later." He suggested.
"Sounds lovely." I pecked his lips. I handed him a plate of pancakes and he smiled.

A few hours later we went to an arcade and it was so fun. We did the skee-ball a few times and he won twice. He left for a second and came back as I was in the middle of a game. I looked over at him and saw him holding a stuffed zebra.
"Oh my God, Harry." I chuckled as he handed it to me. I kissed him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. One of his hands moved to my ass and I moved it back up to my lower back. He moved it back and I pulled away from the kiss.
"You ass grab in public, you don't get any kisses until we get home." I whispered in his ear and backed out of his arms. His jaw dropped and I continued playing my skee-ball game. I teased him for over an hour and he was going crazy.
"Love, why don't we go do go karts?" He suggested. I smiled a little and nodded as we walked over to the go karts.
"Miss, you have to be five foot four and 18 or older to ride the go karts by yourself." The man sneered and Harry held back a laugh.
"I'm five foot four and a half and I'm 18 thank you very much." I sneered right back. I showed him my drivers license and he finally agreed.
"You ready to lose, babe?" Harry teased.
"Baby, I think you're confused. You're the one who's going to lose." I stuck my tongue out.
"Let's bet on it. If I win, you have to... let me get to at least second base next time we make out and make me dinner." He decided.
"Fine, then if I win you have to cook me dinner and watch the notebook with me." I raised my eyebrows and he stuck out his hand. I shook it and we got ready to go. We were neck and neck the entire time and it came down to the finish. The track was two lanes wide and we crossed at the exact same time.
"How about tonight I cook and you can get to second base, and tomorrow you cook and we watch the notebook?" I suggested and he smiled.
"Sounds lovely." He kissed my cheek.
"What do you say we do mini golf later this week and just go home and relax tonight?" I suggested.
"Okay with me." He nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked out.
"Love, I don't believe I've gotten a kiss from you in over 3 hours." Harry pulled me in by my hips when we got to his place.
"I believe you're right." I laughed. It was about 6pm and I backed up.
"But I'm afraid it'll have to wait, love. I've got to get cooking on your dinner." I teased and kissed his cheek. I walked into the kitchen and looked at what he had.
"I'm gonna run to the store quick. Anything you want?" I asked.
"We're out of beer so some would be lovely." He told me.
"Food wise do you want anything?" I wondered.
"Nope. Whatever you'd like to make is okay. However, a kiss from my girlfriend would be greatly appreciated." He smiled a little.
"When I get back, love. I'll get some tequila though. I'm feeling a little feisty today." I laughed and kissed his cheek before walking out.

I got to the store and had to think about what I wanted to make. I decided to just make some pasta and grabbed everything I needed. I grabbed some beer for Harry and grabbed some tequila before heading to checkout.
"Miss, you have to be 18 to purchase alcohol." The cashier sneered a bit. I sighed and pulled out my ID to prove I was 18. He looked suspicious but started hitting on me. Thankfully Harry called me right then.
"Hey, baby." I answered the phone sweetly and the cashier looked irritated.
"Hey, love. Some prick hitting on you?" He laughed.
"Yeah." I chuckled.
"Can you stop and get a couple movies on your way back?" He asked and I agreed.
"Sure. Scary?" I asked, knowing he loved when we watched scary movies.
"Whatever you'd like, love." He smiled.
"I'll compromise and get one scary for you, and one romance for me. That work?" I wondered.
"Sounds lovely. I'll see you in a few." He grinned.
"Okay. Love you." I smiled.
"Love you too." He did the same and we hung up.
"So boyfriend?" The cashier asked.
"Yup." I handed him cash.
"Serious?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Considering we say we love each other, yeah." I explained.
"You could be fakin it." He teased as he handed me my change.
"You're a pig." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bags.

On the way back to Harry's place I stopped and got Truth or Die and Titanic and stopped at my place and grabbed a few things. Harry and I loved this one blanket I had so I grabbed it and a couple other things.
"I'm back, hot stuff!" I yelled as I walked into his flat.
"I'm in my room, short stuff!" He yelled back. I put the stuff in the kitchen and headed up to his room.
"Fucking hell, that dude was a fucking pig." I growled.
"What'd he do?" Harry asked.
"He asked if I had a boyfriend, if it was serious, and if I was lying when I said I love you on the phone." I hugged him.
"And you told him...?" He wondered.
"And I told him yes I had a boyfriend, yes we were serious, and he was a fucking pig." I kissed his cheek.
"That doesn't answer the last one though." He mumbled.
"Harry, I love you. That's something I would never ever lie about." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you too." He kissed my cheek.
"Now I don't believe we've kissed in over 5 hours." I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I believe you're correct." He pulled me in by my hips. We both smiled a little and leaned in. Right as we were about to kiss my phone rang. We both sighed a bit and I answered my phone.
"Sky, she's awake." Mel's mum rushed. I gasped and agreed before hanging up.
"Mel is awake." I told Harry and he gasped too. He grabbed a jacket for me and we ran to the hospital.

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