Chapter Nine

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*September 14th, 2013*

"Wake up, love!" Harry told me. We were off tour then and we had a while before the boys really had anything. 

"Harry." I complained into my pillow. 

"Yes?" He asked. 

"Why aren't you in bed?" I groaned. 

"If you'll walk out here you'll see." He laughed. I sighed and pulled in a shirt of his over my underwear before walking out to him. 

"Holy shit, Harry!" I gasped. He had made my favorite breakfast. 

"Happy birthday, short stuff. Happy anniversary too." He hugged me. 

"Thank you, and happy anniversary to you too." I kissed him. There was a knock on the front door after we were done eating and I checked it. 

"Happy birthday, bitch!" Mel hugged me tight. I hugged her back too and while we were talking Harry started cleaning up the dishes. 

"I'm gonna go, but talk to you later." She hugged me. 

"Thanks for coming over, Mel." I hugged her and she left. 

"Harry-" I started. 

"Skylar, don't even start complaining about me doing dishes. You did the exact same thing on my birthday. And this is also our anniversary, so I'm gonna make sure you don't lift a finger." He laughed a little and kissed me. In our bet from a few weeks prior he had caved after a day. 

"I am gonna go get my nails done, but I will be back in a little while." I kissed him. 

"Love you!" He called after me as I was walking out. 

"Love you too, hot stuff!" I smiled and walked out. I got a manicure, pedicure, and a massage done and it was glorious. I walked into our flat and heard him in the shower. He was singing a gorgeous song and I smiled a bit. I got myself something to drink and went to change into comfy clothes when he got out of the shower. 

"Hello, love." He kissed me. 

"What was that song you were singing?" I asked him. 

"Oh it's a song off the new album." He blushed a little. 

"What's it called? I love it." I wondered as he hugged me. 

"You & I." He kissed my forehead. 

"So when do I get to hear the new album?" I kissed him. 

"A few days actually. They're giving us a cd of it to listen to at home and start memorizing because we have tour in less than six months." He pecked my lips. 

"Shit, we do." I realized. 

"Let's go get dressed and go out for lunch." He kissed me. 

"I'm already dressed. Go get some clothes on your sexy ass and I'll get some tea because I drank all of my Starbucks." I laughed a bit and he blushed. 

"Okay, love, let's go." He wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"How many?" The hostess asked as we walked in. 

"Just 2." I told her. 

"Booth or table?" She wondered. 

"Booth." Harry told her. She led us to a booth and a waiter walked up a second later.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked me, obviously attempting to flirt with me. 

"Love?" I asked Harry. 

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