Chapter Nineteen

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*February 12th, 2013*

"Fuck." I groaned loudly. I had sent the seating chart to Matt to have him double check the family placements and he reminded me two of our aunts couldn't sit near each other and another two uncles couldn't sit next to each other while they wouldn't sit next to others in the family and to fix it I would have to rearrange everyone.

"What's wrong?" Harry frowned as he sat next to me.

"My fucking family." I groaned.

"What happened?" He rubbed my back. I explained the situation and started getting really worked up.

"Hey, relax. Let's just move a few people around." He rubbed my back.

"No, you don't understand how many people we have to rearrange. It's going to take me hours and I have 3 hours until Jen is picking me up and I don't have time for this and I don't need this fucking stress the night before I get married." I started crying.

"Oh, love." He hugged me.

"I'll tell you what. Matt can come over here, you can have some quality time with Jen, and he and I will figure out the seating chart." He kissed my forehead.

"But when? It's already getting kind of late." I asked.

"He can stay here tonight if he wants to and we can figure this chart out." He rubbed my back.

"But you need sleep too." I added.

"No, I don't. You do. You're the one who has basically planned our entire wedding and we're getting married tomorrow." He kissed me. I finally nodded and we went to go get my things ready.

"I know exactly which shirt I'm going to wear tonight and tomorrow morning." I laughed and he looked confused.

"Mel got me that shirt for Christmas that says Future Mrs. Styles that the fans wear and it's perfect." I chuckled and he did the same.

"I'm already nervous." He laughed.

"Me too." I nodded.

"In less than a day we'll be in Spain." I smiled and he rubbed my back.

"Skylar Jessica Styles." He whispered. I smiled a little and kissed him sweetly.

"And you get to see me in my dress tomorrow too." I reminded him and his face lit up. My dress was absolutely gorgeous (Picure on side)

"I guarantee you're going to look gorgeous. I can't wait." He kissed my forehead.

"I'll go call Matt and ask him to help with the seating chart." I pecked his lips and he nodded. I called Matt quick and he answered right away.

"Hey, Sky, what's up?" He asked.

"I have an absolutely massive favor to ask of you." I told him.

"Anything." He smiled.

"It would be absolutely lovely if you could come over here after I leave and help Harry move everyone on the seating chart that needs to be moved. I don't have time to do it and if I try I'll end up stressed out and a mess without Harry there and that isn't a good combination." I explained and Harry rubbed my back.

"Of course! I could just stay there, maybe?" He suggested.

"Yeah that's what we were thinking. Thank you so much." I thanked him.

"No problem. I'll just come over when Jen picks you up." He grinned.

"I owe you one, Matt. Thank you." I smiled and we hung up.

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