Chapter Twelve

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We flew back the next morning after having an amazing night at Mel's wedding. I was exhausted because I hadn't been able to sleep the whole night. 

"Love, I'm gonna sleep on the plane. I'm so tired." I rested my head on Harry's shoulder on the way to the airport. 

"Why're you so exhausted today, love?" He seemed concerned. 

"Couldn't sleep last night. I got an hour total." I yawned and cuddled into his side. 

"Why couldn't you sleep?" He kissed my forehead. 

"I was just thinking." I shrugged. 

"About?" He rubbed my back. 

"Everything." I tried not to fall asleep. 

"We're about 3 minutes away." The cab driver told us. 

"Fuck." I sighed and sat up. We got through security and found out our plane had been delayed two hours, which could turn into more. It was 9am at that point and I was exhausted.

"Go to sleep, love." He whispered. 

"I'm fine." I brushed it off. 

"Skylar, sleep." He mumbled into my hair. 

"Harry-" I started protesting. 

"You can tell me specifically what you were thinking about or you can go to sleep. Your choice." He laughed a little. 

"I was thinking about how early some couples get engaged. Christie, one of the bridesmaids, has been with her boyfriend for 6 months and they're engaged, getting married in 5 months which is another wedding where I'm maid of honor. I think it's just too soon. Personally I don't want to get engaged until we've been dating two or three years because I want to be absolutely, 100% sure you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and I don't think you can be that sure after that short of an amount of time." I blushed a little. 

"I agree. Don't be embarrassed." He smiled a little and I kissed him. 

"We should've fooled around while we were in our own flat last night." I kissed his cheek. 

"Oh well. When we finally get back to our place next time we can just spend a couple days together." He kissed me. 

"Sounds great." I smiled. 

"I know Matt and Jen did some stuff last night though." I commented. 

"Whys that?" He asked. 

"Jen and I were trading some kissing and sex tips and she said she was gonna try some." I shrugged and he looked extremely concerned. 

"Relax. She wanted to know what I was doing to you when we kissed that made you moan so loud." I laughed a little. 

"I don't know how you can make me moan like that, no one ever has." He blushed a little. 

"It's the same way with me, love." I chuckled. 

"What'd you tell her to do?" He wondered. 

"Just showed her a couple places on a jawline I drew on a napkin." I blushed a little. 

"Like here?" He mumbled and kissed a spot on my neck. I jumped a little and tried not to moan. 

"Or here?" He kissed another spot on my neck. He was to my right so I grabbed his left arm and dug my nails into his forearm. 

"How bout right here?" He smirked a little and kissed my major sweet spot on my neck. 

"For every time you kiss my neck it's an hour we don't kiss. Right now you're at 3. You really gonna push that?" I raised my eyebrows. He left a lovebite on the spot he had just kissed and I squirmed a bit to avoid moaning in the middle of the airport. 

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