Chapter Three

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*October 12th, 2012*

"Babe, does this look okay?" I asked Harry. I was putting on my dress for Matt's wedding and wasn't sure. His fiancée didn't like me too much and since her parents were paying for the wedding, she made wedding party decisions and I was not included. I knew she wasn't good enough for my brother and the relationship wouldn't work out but they didn't listen to me. 

"You look lovely." He put his hands on my hips and kissed me. 

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed him. He deepened the kiss a bit and started kissing down my neck. I moaned a little and he smiled to himself. He left a couple lovebites when I was distracted and I pulled him back in for a kiss. 

"Why don't you get your shoes on while I cover up these lovebites you so generously gave me?" I pecked his lips as I fixed the collar of his dress shirt. 

"Sounds good." He rubbed my back. I made sure the tattoos on his chest weren't visible and went to cover up my lovebites. I did it quickly and ran to get my shoes on. I was wearing 3 inch heels and with them on I went up to about his eyebrows. My dark brown hair was in loose curls and went down to about the middle of my back (picture of Skylar's outfit on side)

"Sky, we're gonna be late!" Harry yelled up. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I told him. We drove the hour to the venue and walked in just in time. We did get to sit in the front though since he was my brother and our parents obviously weren't attending. I kissed Harry and he pulled me into his side right before my brother walked in. He stood in the front and smiled at me as we waited for his fiancée to walk down. The waiting continued and we seriously waited for over an hour before the priest said something to Matt. 

"Matt, go sit down. It'll probably be a while." He explained and Matt came and sat by me. I had been resting my head on Harry's shoulder and sat up when Matt walked over. 

"So, Sky, who's this?" He asked. 

"This is my boyfriend Harry." I explained. 

"Nice to meet you." Harry stuck his hand out to Matt, who seemed impressed and shook Harry’s hand back. 

"How old are you, Harry?" Matt asked. 

"I'll turn 19 in February." Harry answered. 

"From what I’ve heard and seen, you’re a pretty good kid. However, I’ve seen a few tabloids here and there and if I ever, and I mean ever, find out you hurt my baby sister in any way I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you. I've got roughly 6 years on you and if you hurt my sister it will not be pretty." Matt threatened. 

"Matthew!" I scolded. 

"Sis, you're 7 and a half years younger than me, it's not intimidating." He laughed.

“I fully understand. I would never even think about hurting her.” Harry assured Matt. We all sat around and talked for over 2 hours until we heard a scoff. 

"Why the hell aren't all of you ready to go!" The devil about to marry my brother screeched. 

"Christ." Matt muttered under his breath and kissed my cheek before walking up to the front. She glared at me the entire time and I was not happy. It was also nearly 11pm by the time everything at the ceremony was done and Harry and I still had to drive home. I knew we wouldn't be able to stay for the reception but I didn't really care. 

"Matt, we're gonna head out. It's an hour drive home for us and it's late." I hugged my brother. 

"I'm so sorry, Sky. Nice to meet you too, Harry." Matt held his hand out to my boyfriend. I smiled and hugged my brother one more time before leaving. I yawned as we walked to Harry's car and he rubbed my back. We climbed in and he pulled me over to his side of the car. 

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