Chapter Seven

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"Sky!" Mel gasped as we walked in.
"Mel!" I gasped and ran over to her. She pulled me in and hugged me tight.
"I'm so sorry about that fight. It was bloody ridiculous and it was almost the last thing we ever got to say to each other." She apologized.
"Don't talk like that. You're okay. Forget about the fight." I tried not to cry. We both ended up crying and I walked over to Harry.
"You okay, love?" Harry whispered. I nodded and he kissed my forehead as he hugged me.
"You two doing okay?" Mel's mum asked.
"Why wouldn't they be?" Mel looked confused.
"Well after they told us only immediate family could see you in the ICU she was really upset. I saw them walk out and Sky walk away." Her mum explained.
"I went back to my place that night to clear my head a bit and Harry and I made up this morning." I told her.
"We were never really fighting per say, I wasn't mad. I knew she needed some time." He shrugged.
"And I appreciate it more than you'll ever know." I kissed his cheek.
"You guys didn't see each other for a week?" Mel asked.
"Nope. He'd leave me Starbucks in my kitchen everyday with a sweet note and this morning I realized I was shutting out an amazing guy and boyfriend so I went over to his place and woke him up. We've been spending the day together and he's been so supportive through this whole thing. He'd send me goodnight texts and tell me he loved me and that he'd always be there if I wanted to talk." I stood next to him and rubbed his back. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple.
"Harry, come here." Mel told him. He walked over to her and she hugged him.
"Thank you for making sure she was okay. You guys are good together." She whispered. He came back over to me and all of us talked for a while.
"Did you guys have any plans for tonight?" Mel yawned.
"I was gonna make him dinner and we were gonna have a movie night." I shrugged.
"Shit, guys, sorry!" She apologized.
"Mel, don't worry about it." I told her.
"Guys, it's like 11pm. Go eat and get some sleep." She told us and after a few minutes of protesting we agreed.
"Want to just stop and get something on the way home quick?" Harry yawned as we got in the car.
"Sure." I nodded and noticed how tired I really was. We ate something quick on the way back and went to bed immediately.
"Night, Sky. I love you." He whispered.
"Night, Harry. I love you too." I mumbled.
"Wait, one more thing." I told him and kissed him.
"I've been dying to for hours and just haven't found a good time." He laughed a little and kissed me back.

*February 1st, 2013*

"Happy birthday, baby." I rolled over and kissed Harry after I woke up.
"That's what I love waking up to. Thank you, love." He smiled and kissed me back. He rolled over on top of me and we were making out before too long. He kissed down my neck and I moaned a little loud.
"Okay, love. That's just teasing both of us." I pulled away after a bit. He agreed and we went downstairs. I made him breakfast and everything as he sat at the bar counter and watched.
"Can I please help, love?" He begged.
"With what?" I asked.
"Anything. I hate making you do all of it." He frowned.
"Well, darling, it is your birthday. I don't want you to lift a finger at all today. You did it for me and I plan to do the same for you." I kissed him.
"I have twice the surprise to plan now since our anniversary is also your birthday." He chuckled.
"And what day is that?" I quizzed him.
"September 14th. You're a year and a day younger than Niall." He kissed me.
"Good." I smiled and kissed him again. It got a bit heated and I pulled away.
"We still haven't talked about sex." I breathed.
"We should. Hell, we've been dating nearly 5 months." He nodded.
"I agree. Let's just talk now. We can talk while I cook." I pecked his lips.
"How long do you think we should wait?" He asked.
"I don't know. I've already made you wait a while so if you want to we can." I shrugged.
"I don't just want it to be because we've waited a while. I want it to be because you want to and the moment is right." He told me.
"I can promise you I want to. I do. I just haven't exactly had consensual sex before and I'm nervous about it. Of course being with you would make me relax and with you I'd be fine but I'm still kinda nervous. What I mean is I'm really nervous but as long as I'm with you I'll be okay." I blushed as I mixed pancake batter in a bowl. He didn't respond for a second and I shrugged it off. Just then he wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.
"We won't until you're ready. I don't care how long we wait, I just want you to be ready and enjoy it." He whispered.
"I love you so much." I turned around and kissed him.
"I love you too." He rubbed my back.
"I tell you what. Let's go make out after breakfast, you can even get to second base if you want, and we can do whatever you want tonight." I pecked his lips. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.
"How about we go out to a movie and dinner?" He suggested.
"That sounds lovely." I kissed his cheek. I finished making breakfast and we both ate pretty fast so we could get to kissing.

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