Chapter Four

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We quickly got down to the train station and on the train. I was really worried about my brother and Harry could tell. 

"He's going to be okay, love." He assured me. I leaned into his side and he wrapped his arm around me. 

"I've never liked her. I warned him she was crazy and he didn't believe me and now look what's happened. Harry, he's all I have left. My grandparents passed away years ago and I have a few aunts and uncles but I never see them. Matt is seriously the only family I have left." I put my face in my hands. 

"He's going to be okay." He kissed my temple. The train ride was spent with me worrying and Harry comforting me the entire time. We got a cab and rushed over to my brother's house. I saw an ambulance and cop cars outside and immediately felt sick. Harry paid the cab driver as I rushed over to the police. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"Are you Skylar Raimer?" The man asked and I nodded as Harry ran up. 

"Let's talk over here." He told me and I tensed up like crazy. Harry rubbed my back and we walked a few feet set. 

"Your brother called the police right after he called you and unfortunately we didn't get here until she had already stabbed him." He hesitated. I felt sick to my stomach and saw a stretcher being wheeled out. I recognized it was my brother and saw his shoulder bloody. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Harry asked, noticing I was too scared to speak. 

"He should be. Do you two live around here?" He asked. 

"No, we actually live in London." Harry answered. 

"I'd suggest maybe finding a hotel nearby for a few days considering you're really all he has at the moment." He suggested and I nodded. 

"Love, why don't you go with Matt and I can go back to London and get some things for us?" Harry suggested. 

"Can I go with him?" I asked the cop and he nodded. 

"Okay, love. Text me when you get back to your place." I kissed Harry. 

"Okay. When you find out how he's doing let me know." He nodded and pecked my lips. 

"I will." I hugged him. 

"Sky?" He whispered, sounding a bit nervous. 

"I'm sorry, Skylar, but the ambulance needs to go like now." The policeman told me. 

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