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We had fallen asleep hugging again and it was really comfortable. He made me feel safe and I loved it. 

"Mummy? My tummy hurts." Brady sniffed as he walked into our room the next morning. While the covers were pulled up to my shoulders, Harry and I were still naked underneath. I jumped a little but made sure I was still covered. 

"Okay, sweetie. Go down to the kitchen and I'll be down in a few to make you breakfast. Wait, what time is it?" I asked without moving really but turned my head toward him more. 

“1:30." He told me and I could tell he was crying. 

"Honey, why don't you go get your blanket and Teddy real quick and sleep in here with me and Daddy?" I suggested and he nodded. 

"Harry, put these on quick and you can go back to sleep. Brady's climbing in with us." I threw boxers at Harry's head. He groaned but put them on as I pulled underwear and a bra on. I had Brady's pain meds ready and he took them before climbing in bed with me and Harry. Harry pulled me in so we were spooning and I moved his arm. He sighed a little and went to roll over so he was facing away from me but I stopped him.

“Harry.” I sighed quietly and rolled over to face him.

“He’s in pain and I don’t want him to feel like we’re trying to ignore him. Chances are he’ll probably go back to sleep in a little bit and we can take him back to his room. Okay?” I tried to kiss him but he rolled over anyway. I sighed to myself and nearly started crying but made sure I didn’t. Brady fell asleep a little later and I carried him back to his room so he could sleep. I was irritated enough with Harry I walked downstairs and slept on the couch with a spare blanket and pillow from the downstairs closet.



“Love, what’s wrong?” Harry frowned as he squatted down next to me.

“Harry, go the fuck away.” I sighed and rolled over so I was facing away from him.

“Hey-“ He started as he sounded concerned and tried to roll me over.

“I said go the fuck away, Harry. Obviously I’m not happy with you right now and considering its… 3:15am you should probably back off.” I repeated louder as I checked my phone for the time. I fell back asleep and heard him sigh a little. I woke up to my alarm at 5:00 and realized I was in our bed. Harry wasn’t there but I blew it off. I went down to our workout room downstairs and turned on my headphones. I ran for about an hour and did abs for fifteen minutes. I quickly went up and showered before doing my hair. I went down the line of rooms and woke up all the boys. While they got dressed I went downstairs and made their breakfast. I noticed our smaller car was gone and sighed a bit.

“Boys, breakfast!” I yelled. They came down and ate quick before I got them in the car.

“Where’s Daddy?” Thomas asked.

“He went out to go get a few things. He’ll be back later.” I explained as I backed out.

“Okay.” They nodded. I dropped Cam off at preschool and took Thomas to school too before heading home with Brady. He was staying home for a week to make sure he recovered well. When we walked in there were flowers on the kitchen island and I noticed Harry’s car in the garage.

“Mummy, what are those?” Brady asked.

“Flowers. Why don’t you go play in your room while I see what these are about?” I suggested and he started running toward the stairs.

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