Chapter Twenty

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I was actually really calm the next morning.

"Hot Stuff

Good morning, beautiful (:"

"Good morning, handsome (: 3 hours!(:"

"Hot Stuff

I know! I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle (:"

"I can't wait either (: I'm starving though"

"Hot Stuff

I was just about to head out to go get some lunch, want me to get you something?"

I called him because I knew it would be easier.

"Hi, love." He smiled.

"Hi, baby. Where are you thinking about for lunch?" I smiled too.

"Your favorite? It is your big day after all." He suggested.

"It's our big day, not just mine. You're half of this marriage too ya know, love." I reminded.

"Really? I'm getting married today? To you? Hot damn I'm lucky!" He teased.

"Oh shush." I laughed.

"I think where you were thinking would be okay though." I added.

"Okay, love. I just turned off the street of the venue so I'll be to the restaurant in a few." He told me and I heard his car in the background.

"Be careful, honey." I was a bit nervous.

"Love, I think I know how to drive." He laughed.

"I know, I'm just nervous. I don't want anything to happen to you on our wedding day." I told him.

"I'll be okay. I'm not going to let anything ruin today." He grinned.

"Sky, hair time!" Mel yelled. We were already at the venue and I was just sitting around not doing much.

"Can I talk to Harry while you do it?" I asked and she agreed.

"So what should I expect your hair to look like?" Harry smiled.

"You will find out when she's walking down the aisle." Mel told him.

"I don't get any hints about anything?" He groaned a little.

"Nope. Sorry, hot stuff." I chuckled.

"Mel, do you want anything? I'm getting lunch for me and Sky so I can get something for you too." Harry offered.

"Yeah, get me my usual please!" She smiled.

"I should be there with it in about 15 minutes." He chuckled.

"I'll see- talk to you through a door then." I laughed a little and he agreed.

"Can't wait." He smiled.

"Bye, love." I smiled.

"Bye, short stuff." He laughed and we hung up. Mel started on my hair and curled it first. Our plan for my hair was gorgeous and I loved it (Picture on side)

Harry called me a few minutes later and I answered carefully as Mel was curling my hair.

"Hey, baby." I grinned.

"Hey, love, I'm on my way back." He explained and I agreed.

"So what're you and Mel doing?" He wondered.

"She's currently curling my- fuck, Mel, that hurt!" I groaned.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"She just moved and I hit the back of her ear with a curling iron." Mel explained.

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