Chapter One

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When I woke up I realized I was not alone in my bed. I remembered Harry had stayed with me and relaxed a bit until I realized there was an arm around my waist. I didn't really pay attention much and looked at the clock, seeing that it was only 2am. I kissed Harry's cheek and pushed back into him a bit. We were spooning at that point and he pulled me into his stomach tighter before kissing my cheek. 

"Go back to sleep, love. It's like 2am." He whispered. I put my hand on his and rubbed the back of his. 

"You're really warm and I love it." I laughed quietly and he chuckled. 

"Thanks." He smiled a bit. 

"You're adorable." He grinned. 

"I believe that's you." I smiled as I looked at him. We both started leaning in a bit and I pulled back. 

"It's late. Let's get some sleep." I kissed his cheek and he pulled me into his stomach tight. 

I carefully got up at 4:30 and jumped in the shower. I got out by around 5:15 and went down to my downstairs bathroom to blow-dry my hair. I straightened it and ran back upstairs to get actual clothes on. I threw on a red jumper, a cream scarf, jeans, and white flats. I kissed Harry's cheek and ran out the door. 

I turned around to grab a cupcake for someone and my coworker grabbed it from me. She handed it to the woman and I felt my phone vibrate. 

"Harry Styles

Ello, love, I'm just leaving your place." Harry texted me. I smiled a little and my coworker looked over my shoulder. 

"Harry Styles? Yeah right." She laughed. 

"Okay! Sounds good. Just lock the door behind you, please (:" I sent back. 

"Harry Styles

When is your shift over?" He texted back. 

"Noon, why?" I wondered. 

"Harry Styles

Want to maybe go out for lunch? (:" 

"Sounds lovely (: meet here quick beforehand (:" I texted back. 

"Harry Styles 

Will do (:"

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