Chapter Twenty Two

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*September 14th, 2019*

"Happy birthday, love." Harry kissed my cheek and I groaned. I pried my eyes open slightly and saw it was 7:00am

"Don't remind me." I sighed. 

"If you don't get up I'll be forced to sing!" He teased. 

"You'd better not." I mumbled.  

"Happy Birthday, to yo-" He started. I groaned again and he laughed a little.

"While I will have something for you later for your birthday, will you take a happy 7 year anniversary?" He rubbed my back. I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it before pulling him down next to me. 

"Thank you." I kissed him. I heard the twins waking up and I groaned a little. 

"I'll get them." He pecked my cheek and I sighed but agreed. I fell back asleep a bit until I heard the twins. I felt them on the bed and Harry sat next to me. They both hugged my back and kissed my shoulders. I heard them both say, 'happy birthday, Mummy' as best they could. I smiled a little and carefully rolled over. 

"Hi, buddies." I smiled. I kissed them both on their cheeks and hugged them. 

"Thank you, guys! Why don't you guys go pick a book and go stand by your seats." I smiled and they ran to their room. 

"God, they're getting so big." I commented as they left. 

"I know. They're almost a year old. It's crazy to think about." He pulled me into his side. 

"Hey, Harry?" I kissed his cheek. 

"Yeah, love?" He looked at me. 

"I love you." I kissed him. 

"I love you too." He kissed me. 

"We haven't had sex in forever and it's killing me." He mumbled as we continued kissing. 

"One of us is always too tired." I whispered and I ended up on top of him. 

"Well, luckily the boys are going to my parents' today." He added and I pulled away.

"Seriously?" I gasped and he nodded, not sure whether I was happy or upset about it. I hugged him tight and he laughed a little. 

"I was going to suggest it but you beat me to it." I laughed and kissed him again. 

"Mumma!" The boys yelled up. I sighed a bit but got off of my husband. 

"C'mon, baby." I pecked his lips. 

"My mum's train should get in in a couple hours, so I'm going to get their stuff ready, I’ll eat breakfast after.” He told me.

“Harry, please eat with us. You’ve been working a lot in the mornings with recording the last album and the boys miss seeing you at breakfast.” I begged.

“They do?” He looked almost hurt.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“How do you know?” He wondered.

“They kept whining and nearly crying and I could barely tell what they were saying but finally I kind of understood. I asked if they were saying ‘I miss Daddy’ and they both nodded.” I looked at the ground.

“Fuck.” He sighed and sat down on our bed. 

“I’m failing as a father.” He mumbled and put his face in his hands. I squatted down in front of him and pulled his hands away from his face.

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