T.M.L 1

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"You really got some nerves man, I can't believe you was cheesing all up in that chick face like I wasn't standing there".

"Des for the last time I was only being nice damn".

"Whatever you can sleep in one of the guest room since you wanna be Mr. Friendly".

I wanted to laugh but I knew that it was only going to piss her off even more. It's the pregnancy talking that's what I think.

Heading to our bedroom I watch Destiny walking well more like wobbling to the bathroom with her little frown she had on her face.

"So you mad"?

"Go to hell Ant" she slam the bathroom door shut locking it.

"I swear you're such a brat" I call out before leaving out the room. Lil Ant is back in California with his grandparents while Destiny and I are here in Atlanta working, I couldn't wait for a break so I could head back home to see my son and the homies.

Once I took my shower I went right back into the bedroom and got in the bed with Destiny who had her back facing me.

"You thought I was playing? Go sleep in one of them rooms Ant I'm dead serious".

"Girl hush and get some sleep, I ain't going nowhere so goodnight" I pull her closer to me and let sleep take over.


"When you coming back home? I really miss getting on your nerves".

"That's what you got Chris for Bri" while I was on the phone with Brittany I was getting ready for my appointment.

"He no fun plus he's in his little feelings".

"Oh Lord what did you do"?

"I kinda accidentally bruise his eye".


"Don't Brittany me Des it was an accident, he shouldn't had tried to scare me now he mad with a black eye.

Grabbing my keys off the table I was making my way to the door until Ant got my attention.

"Brittany I'll call you once I leave from my appointment".


Ending the call I turn my attention to Anthony waiting for whatever he had to say. Maybe I overrated the other night but whatever, it's more than that.

"Why you got your keys I'm taking you remember"?

"Oh I forgot, thought you had to be at the studio".

"Nah that's later, you ready though"?

"Mhm" and with that I walk out first going to his car.

"Destiny I know you still not mad"?

"No Ant I am not mad" I pull out my phone to keep myself occupied before I say something that will start an argument.

Anthony think he's slick, what really made me start acting funny towards him was I end up going through his phone and found an unknown number in his call log more than once. As bad as I want to confront him about it I wasn't going to just yet.

He say he loves me, yeah okay keep on saying that.

Tell me lies.

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