T.M.L 7

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"Chris slow down"!!!!

"What? You say go faster"?

Before I could say no Chris pick up the speed and was flying down the street causing me to hold onto him tight.

Finally slowing down he stop at a gas station. I couldn't even get off the bike good I instantly start throwing up.

"You good Bri"? Chris went to rub my back but I push him away.

"I'm not getting back on that stupid motorcycle of yours" I walk pass him going into the gas station to clean myself up. I hate the fact he bought him a stupid motorcycle.

"So you getting back on or not"?

"Not, I'm getting me an uber".

"Man Bri chill out my fault for going fast, I could've sworn you said go fast".

"The lies you tell bruh" I chuckle glancing at my phone. By then my uber done arrived.

"I'll be at Destiny house see you there" I got in the car leaving Chris out there as he was talking out of his neck. He almost killed me today.


"They are so precious, I can't see how you do it".

"I don't either but I'm doing it" Brittany came over and told me that Chris almost kill her on the motorcycle.

As for Anthony, he end up going on tour. I couldn't be mad for long even though he did try to push back the dates so he could stay home.

"Jasmine should be ready to drop some time this week" Bri fed De'Asia while I fed Anasia.

"Speaking of Jasmine she's calling right now".

"We was just talking about you".

"This Lucas, Jasmine is going into labor" Lucas said all fast and nervous.

"Calm down Lu, are you on the way taking her to the hospital"?

"No cause we stuck in traffic".

"Get this baby outta of me"!!!! I heard Jasmine in the background.

"Des I don't know what to do I can't deliver a baby".

"Listen take a deep breath and collect yourself".

Looks like I'll have to talk him through it until the ambulance comes.


"You did good babe even though you were screaming more than me".

"That was some nasty disturbing stuff I've seen" Lucas said.

Our baby girl Lucita Coly turn out to be healthy and beautiful like me. I was now in the hospital bed holding my baby while Lucas was talking with the doctors.

"Let me see the little one, let's hope and pray she doesn't look nothing like Jasmine" Chris come walking in the room.

"I don't want you holding my baby so you can give her nightmares".

"Oh you got jokes".

"She's so pretty" Brittany cooed as I handed her Lucita.

"My boy Lucas is a father now, welcome to the club man" Chris pat Lucas on the back.

"Dude I don't ever want to experience that again" Lucas shook his head as he took a seat.

"All that screaming you was doing had me thinking you was the one in pain" I tell him.

"Awe nah man you wasn't screaming like a little girl" Chris start laughing.

"Don't pay him no mind, I had me crying when I pop him in the eye" Brittany stated.

"Now see you didn't have to put my business out like that".

Brittany didn't pay Chris no attention as she was telling us what happen. I was in tears laughing at these clowns, they keep on the doctors gonna end up kicking us all out for being loud.

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