T.M.L 3

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It felt good to be back home, I went to go see my baby before Anthony took him off so they could go hang with Chris and Lucas.

"I'm so happy you back cause Jasmine been treating me like shit" Bri tells me as she side eye Jasmine who was eating some nachos.

"Look what she's dealing with" I rub Jasmine stomach.

"I hope we end up having our babies at the same time" Jasmine said.

"Oh yeah y'all two heffa's are pregnant".

"Oh Bri, Chris will soon knock you up" I tell her.

"No time soon, I'm not ready. I have Royalty, she's my baby even if I'm not her mom".

After walking around the boardwalk we had to rest our feet so we end finding somewhere to sit.

As I was taking a sip of my strawberry lemonade I felt both Jas and Bri eyes on me. "What y'all looking at"?

"So how's Atlanta"?

"It's okay the weather is bipolar but other than that everything is gucci".

"That's all no crazy fans popping at you and Ant house" Bri said.

"No none of that, but I have this feeling that he's seeing someone".

"Not Anthony" Brittany seem shock.

"Girl please what you expect? Anthony is famous now, you know how these crazy ass groupies can be" Jasmine jump in.

"Apart of me don't want to believe he's cheating on me, maybe I'm overreacting".

"You'll feel better if you just sit Ant down and ask him".

"I'm with Jasmine".

I really did wanted to ask him about it. Knowing Ant our talk will turn out to be a full blown argument, I can't be stressing myself out. When the time is right I'll ask him about it.


"My dude Bri did a number on yo eye" Chris told me what Brittany had done to his eye.

"At least you know she got them hands" Lucas laugh.

"Both of y'all know what you can do for me, lucky my nephew is around us" De'Anthony wasn't even paying us no mind, he was pretty much focus on his iPad.

"You ready for the twins"? Chris ask.

"Yeah been ready, seem like Destiny was pregnant for years".

"I'm with you on that man cause Jasmine is stressing me out" Lucas said shaking his head.

"Glad I don't have them problems".

"Yeah not yet, you planning on having another little one"?

"No time soon for sure. Bri is not in no rush to have a baby, she love Royalty to death so we good on this end".

Just when I was about to speak I was getting a call. Picking up without even seeing who it was I gave them a simple what's up.

"How long you plan on being in California"?

"Why you calling me when I clearly told you not to".

"Don't be like that Ant, I just want to see you".

"You'll see me when I get back now get off my line with that".

"But I'm here in Los Angeles, please I need to see you".

I really didn't have time for this girl and her little games she be playing.

"Text me the address".

After receiving the text I place my phone back in my pocket and continue to finish the conversation I was having with Chris.

Far as June is concern she can wait until I finish doing what I was doing.

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