T.M.L 18

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3 months...


I really hope Des and I can work this out, I can't see myself without her or my kids. She finally decided to meet up with me so we could talk.

Waiting in Smoothie King, Destiny showed up walking in the place looking beautiful as usual. All I could think is why did I mess up.

"Thanks for meeting with me" I tell her once she took her seat.

"Yeah let's get this over with cause I have things to do".

"Okay well first and foremost I want to apologize for lying to you, trust me June didn't mean nothing to me".

"If she didn't mean nothing to you then why did you sleep with her? But what I really want to know is the baby yours".

Taking a deep breath "Yes the baby is mines".

"That's all I needed to know" Destiny got up from the table walking out with me going behind her.

"Destiny wait we not done talking".

"I'm done there's nothing else for me to say, far as our kids you can come spend time with them whenever you free".

"So you leaving me"?

"Yes I am done with you for good, you couldn't have that thought I was going to take you back".

I couldn't believe this was happening right now. I watch as she got in her car and left while I stood there looking stupid and hurt.


Anthony really thought I was lying about my pregnancy and on top of that he is the father of our unborn child. Every since the results came back Anthony been in one of his bitch fit moods like I care.

He should've been more careful and maybe this wouldn't happen. Since I was going to be in California for a couple of weeks I had time to catch up with some old friends.

I was walking by Smoothie King and seen Anthony going to his car until he glance my way. At first I thought he was just going to ignore me but he slam his door making his way over to me.

"This is all your fault" he got in my face.

"My fault? How is it my fault when you came on to me, besides I told you I was going to make your life a living hell".

"You lucky we out in public".

"Oh so if we wasn't in public what was you going to do"?

"You'll find out when that time come" he walk back to his car as I continue to walk and enjoy this California weather.

While Anthony making threats towards me, I'm worrying about taking everything he got cause best believe my child is going to be taking care of.

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