T.M.L 20

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"I don't think I should go see him, maybe next time I'll go but I can't right now".

"Des it has been four weeks now and not one time you went to call or visit Anthony, I'm pretty sure he would be happy to see you and the kids".

"No I refuse to take my kids up there, I don't want lil Ant to see his dad like that".

Brittany was trying to convince me to go see Anthony. After that incident happen back his place I thought that was going to be last of that, unfortunately not cause he start getting out of control to the point I had to send him to the Rehabilitation Center.

Every since then I haven't bother to go visit. Lucas and them would go see him every chance they get. I was told he wanted to see his kid's, until he get himself together I'll make arrangements on letting him see our kid's.

"Eventually I will go see him just not now Bri, I have alot on my plate now.

I wouldn't never thought Anthony would get to this point to act out to the point he's trying to take his life".

"All we can do is pray that he get well and back healthy" Bri said wrapping her arms around me.

"Yeah that's all I can do as well as putting it in God's hand".


It really suck for me to be at my appointment without Anthony. I couldn't believe that he was up in the nut house cause he was trying to kill his self, I sure do know how to pick em.

I couldn't have my unborn baby around a person like that so I came back to Atlanta. Once the baby is born I might not even let him know, hell since he hates my guts anyway why tell him? I've been doing things on my own so there's nothing new to me.


Today I was going to see Ant and see how he was doing before I head home. I'll be glad when he can leave out this place though, I hate seeing him like this.

As soon I step inside the building, I walk up to the desk to sign in when the lady stop me.

"I'm sorry but Mr. Alsina can no longer have visiting hours".

"It's still visiting hours, it ain't over until 6:00 here it is only 4:30" I tell her.

"Yeah I know but according to Mr. Alsina he's been on lock down".

All I could do is drop my head, Anthony must've act out again to the point they had to lock him down.

I end up going back to my car and head home. Hopefully I'll be able to see him tomorrow, damn man what cause him to turn out this way?

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