T.M.L 2

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"Bri put both hands on the wheel, stop driving with your knees".

"Umm whose driving here and know what they're doing? Me so hush with your one bruise eye" I tell Chris who was mugging the hell out of me.

"Let me out I'm not ready to die yet".

"So aggy bruh".

"But you love me though".

"Bri don't love these hoes" I say with a straight face but end up cracking a smile.

"Keep playing with me Bri".

"KeEp PlAyINg wItH mE bRI".

"Man I'm done with you" Chris got out the car leaving me behind.

"Wait why you leaving me" once I lock the car I ran behind him grabbing his hand.

"I love you Chrissy pooh".

"I guess I love you" he look down me with a smirk across his face.

"You guess? Nah you know, better recognize".


"Dawg Jasmine could I at least get one bite of my food before you bring your fork onto my plate".

"Sharing is caring Lucas so stop being selfish" Jasmine start picking out of my plate when she had the exact same thing I have.

I'll be glad when my little one come into this world cause lately I been letting her get away with alot of stuff since she's pregnant.

"I'm sorry babe you know I'm eating for two".

"Yeah I know" I went to eat out her plate until she pop my hand.

"Make me stab you, you know not touch my food" she tells me pointing her fork at me then went right back to eating my food.


After having lunch with Brittany we end up going to the store. For whatever reason Bri had to go up in Wal-Mart knowing it's going to be hours up in that store.

Since I was still full I got me a riding cart and rode around the store while Bri push a buggy. Every now and then a few people was looking at me, like they seen a person in one of these things.

"Aye babe buy some of these gummy worms" I tell her getting four bags.

"No put it back".

"Last time I check I didn't come out yo coochie".

Brittany didn't even say nothing she left me on the aisle we was on and went to the next aisle. I end up putting the gummy worms in my cart, I don't know who she think she is treating me like a child when clearly I'm the adult she better recognize. But I end up covering the candy up with some other stuff I had pick up.

Don't get it twisted Bri still don't run nothing.

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