T.M.L 28

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I couldn't wait to get in the house and crash and not get up until the next morning. As soon I step one foot in the door I seen Bri sitting on the kitchen counter crying.

''Baby what's wrong, why you crying'' I ran over to hug her. That only cause her to push me away as she gave me an evil glare.

''What I do now''?


''Then why you crying''?

''I hit my toe on the bed rail''.

''Yeah that shit do be hurting, you had me thinking I did something wrong'' I tell her as I peck her lips before going towards our bedroom.

''Umm hello, can you help me I'm kinda handicap at the moment''.

''So extra'' I went to go pick her up off the counter taking her to the room.


''Come here my baby'' watching my little princess trying to walk was making me emotional cause she's growing up so fast.

I once heard if the baby start trying to walk sorta early it means there's another baby on the way. I don't mind having another one just not so soon.

''I see I have to get my shotgun ready for these little boys''.

''Really Lucas? She's still a baby'' Jasmine tell me.

''It's never too late to start early, my little princess will always be my baby''.




''Come here''.

''I'm on the toilet''.

''Stanky self'' my toe was still hurting a little bit. Chris was trying to get me to go see the doctor but I refuse, I just hope it's not broken.

Chris come walking back in the room holding his stomach laying across the bed.

''I hope you sprayed''.

''Don't have to cause my shit don't stink''.

''Whatever I'm hungry''.

''What you want? Just to let you know I'm not cooking''.

''You never cook but I don't know what I want'' that only made Chris suck his teeth.

''Better figure out something before you be starving''.

''Let me see what Destiny and Jasmine doing'' getting my phone from the side of my bed I start doing a three way face time call.

''While you talking to them, see if they'll bring me some food'' Chris said turning over on his side.

''Nah you good your stomach already tore up shitty boy'' I laugh but stop when he pop my thigh.

''Keep on Bri''.

''Love you too''.


''She look just like you'' Destiny say as she held Jahniya in her arms. As you can see I won full custody of my baby, according to June sister she wasn't able to take care of her niece.

Coming back home to my family with Jahniya was the best thing that ever happen. Destiny and I are officially back together and she's willing to treat Jahniya like her own.

''Will the aunt visit Jahniya''?

"I doubt it, she probably not. She was only willing to take in Jahniya for the money'' it was sad but true.

''Well she has a family here right along with our friends".

During the rest of the day I rest up until later on tonight the homies was coming over for dinner.


"Yo Des the food was all that like seriously, you don't mind if I take some home"?

"No I don't mind at all Chris help yourself".

"See that's why I fucks with heavy unlike Jasmine".

"Why you putting my name in your mouth I didn't say nothing to you" Jasmine say as she help me clean off the table.

"Ignore him Jasmine" Bri tell her.

"You know I got love for you Jas".


While the guys was in the other room, Jas and Bri help me clean up the kitchen. So far it seems like everything is falling back in place.

"I'm so glad you and Anthony are back together" Bri said handing me the dish to put up.

"I'm glad too, as well having another little girl" I tell them both.

"That's sweet of you for accepting the baby, not too many women would've done that".

"Like you Jasmine" Brittany said.

"Oh come on I'm not that heartless, it's not the baby fault she didn't ask to be here on this earth".

"Y'all a mess but everything is back to normal, all I want is to be happy right along with my family".

"I'm with you on that" Bri said as the three of us did a group hug.

"Awww I want a hug too" it wasn't nobody but Chris annoying self.

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