T.M.L 26

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"Would you like anything else"?

"No that will be all".

"Your food will be here shortly" the lady smile as she gather up Anthony and I menu.

"We haven't done this in a minute" Anthony said as he pull his come towards him.

"That's cause you were always business to the point we never had the time".

I wouldn't front and say I don't miss Anthony and being together but it is what it is.

"I love you Destiny and I'll say it again that I'm truly am sorry about everything".

"Can you not do this right now".

"Do what? I'm just trying to get you back before Cordell get to you".

"You can't be serious, I wouldn't even give him a chance. Plus you gonna have to accept the fact that I will not forget what you did".

"Ight Des I here but still know I love you to death and you will always be mines".

By then our food came, we said grace and began to eat without saying another word.


"I told you that was the pregnancy talking so you can't really blame me".

"Like hell I can, you literally sat up there and cuss me out for not bringing you some chicken wings".

"Should've brought some home then" Destiny laugh. After we ate we went down to the beach and walk along the shore while talking about how she acted when she was pregnant.

Even though we're not together I would always have love for Destiny.

"My feet hurt can I get on your back"? Destiny was now looking up at me.

"I guess you can" I stop so she could get on my back. Once she was on I continue to walk, the sun was beginning to set and the view was nice.

Heading back to the car Des was half way sleep. "Looks like someone is tired" I say as place her on top of the trunk.

"We had a long day and to say I had a good time being with you".

"Is that right"?

"Yup" she smile while looking elsewhere but to me.

"Don't be looking off look at me" I was now standing between her legs getting ready to steal a kiss or two until my phone start ringing.

Stepping back a little bit I glance at the screen to see a hospital number calling.

Swiping the green button I place the phone to my ear.


"Is this Anthony Alsina"?

"This is he and whom am I speaking with"?

"My name is Dr. Arnold, and I have some important news on June and the baby".

Hearing him mention the baby had me worried for a minute.

"What's going on? Are they alright? Is the baby okay"?

"Can't discuss it over the phone but you need to come up to the hospital".

Right after he said that the call end.

"Is everything okay"? Destiny ask snapping me out my thoughts I told her I had to make a trip to Atlanta.

By the time I got Destiny home I was heading to the airport on my way to ATL. How come June didn't call me and let me know she was going into labor.

I may hate her guts but I wouldn't want anything to happen to her as well as our baby.


It was six something in the morning by the time I made it to Atlanta and up at the hospital.

Going to the front desk I ask the lady what room June was in and that I need to speak with Dr. Arnold.

"Mr. Alsina" turning around I'm guessing it was Dr. Arnold.

"Is everything alright"?

"Yes and no, as you know already June has gave birth to a baby girl".

I was calm once he mention the baby. "Okay and what about June"?

"I'm sorry to say but during her pregnancy she passed once she gave brith".

I couldn't get no words out to say at this very moment. June done died giving birth meaning I had to take my baby girl into my care which was fine with me.

"Can I see my daughter"?

"Follow me" I was now in the nursery holding my precious baby girl who look much like her mom but had a few of my features.

I smile while watching her sleep. Unfortunately she didn't have a name yet so I told the nurses a name came up with so it could be on the birth certificate.

"Daddy is going to take good care of you Jahniya Alsina".

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