T.M.L 11

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"And this fool had the nerve to threaten me talking about if he see me talking to Dexter again he'll whoop me and him".

"Chris is a clown foreal" Bri had me and Destiny crying laughing as she was telling us what happen.

"I love y'all so much" Destiny said once she caught her breath.

I was in the middle of breastfeeding Lucita when Lucas come walking in the door with Chris right behind him.

"Oh look Bri your daddy here" I smirk.

"Last time I check my daddy is somewhere in Texas" Brittany said as she kept her focus on Anasia holding her.

"What's going on ladies" Lucas came over sitting next to me.

"Eww Jasmine can you do that in the other room" Chris said turning his nose up.

"I live her so get you some business".

I left the living room to get my baby situated before we head out. Since it was a nice day out all of us was going to the Aquarium, this should be a good outing.


"Mommy look at that fish".

"I see it look like Chris" I laugh once Chris mugged me.

"Come on lil Ant let's go see your mom do tricks" he stuck his tongue out while placing Ant on his shoulders walking away.

"He makes me sick" Bri said taking a seat right along with me.
"That's your headache" I tell her.

"I know, I wish Royalty could've come but you know how her mother can be. It seem like every time Chris try to get her Caprice end up with some lame excuse.

But enough about me, is everything okay with you"?

"Yeah I'm fine" I wasn't about to bring up what happen yesterday when I was on the phone with Anthony. Last night he sent me a text talking about he was going back to Atlanta and handle some business.

Lord knows if I responded back it wasn't going to be anything nice.

"You know you're my friend and I got your back".

"I know that Bri and I appreciate you especially helping me with the twins".


After talking some more we walk around some more looking at the fishes and other sea creatures. Far as Anthony I don't know what he got going, best believe I'll find out.


It felt good to be home after hanging with friends like old times. It has been a minute since we hung out, by Des and Jasmine being mommies I know they don't really have time for themselves.

"Man I'm about to hit the shower and crash" Chris said once he step in the room and plop on the bed.

I didn't even bother to say nothing, I grab me some clothes and made my way in the bathroom to take my shower.

As I waiting for the water to get hot Chris come barging in the bathroom.

"Now I know you heard me say I was taking a shower".

And here he go, always trying to start an argument.

"We can take one together" I bet he was waiting for me to pop off, not this time. "So either you wanna shower with me or wait until I get down".

"Cool we can shower together" he start getting out his clothes as I did the same. Once he got in I grab my robe off the hook and put it on, I end up flushing the toilet causing the water to be cold.

"Ahhh!!! This water is cold" Chris scream.

I couldn't help it I had to get him back. Chris stuck his head out from the curtain giving me a look that I knew too familiar.

"Get in the shower now" he demanded and you know what I did? I got my silly self in the shower. The only reason why I did cause I knew it was about to go down in the shower and I'll admit sex in the shower is more fun than in the bed.

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