T.M.L 22

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"Kill that bih!!! Yo somebody get that thing" Chris scream as he jump on my couch.

"Boy if you don't get your shoes off my couch" I tired to sound serious as possible but was too busy laughing my ass off at Chris.

Apparently Chris spotted a frog jumping around in the house. The frog wasn't that big and here Chris dramatic ass was being extra.

"Wow my baby is scared of a little ole tiny frog" Bri said shaking her head.

"Aye I ain't scared I just don't like when they get the hopping around".

"Yeah okay whatever you say" going to the kitchen there was a knock at the door. Going towards the door to see who it was, there stood Cordell.

"Well look what the wind done blew in" I pull him in for a hug.

"What's going on Des, still look the same as usual".

"I wouldn't say all that".

"My dude finally back in town, glad to see you bro" Chris said as they gave each other a brotherly hug.

"You still with Bri mean ass"?

"Hell yeah man I sometimes be asking myself that" while Cordell and Chirs was messing with Bri she paid them no mind.

"Cordell you better be gald I got this baby in my hand, cause I would've been got you and Chris you already know what's up" she say causing us all to laugh.

I went towards the back to handle my business. While I was doing that, I heard a fee more voices. I already knew Lucas and Jasmine was on the way but the other voice caught me off guard.

Heading back in the front there stood Anthony talking with Cordell.


Destiny wasn't expecting to see me no time soon. They end up letting me go for good behavior but that still didn't change nothing cause now I'm known as a mental health crisis patient.

I wasn't going to speak to Destiny until our friends leave. As I was catching up with Cordell. The girls took Des outside, already know they'll going to be discussing me.

All I want is my family back, is that too much to ask for?


Once we step outside Destiny start asking questions on why Anthony was here.

"They let him go so he called Lucas to come get him" I tell her.

"Y'all could've drop him off at his house instead of bringing him to mines".

"He really want you back Destiny, on our way here he was telling Lucas how sorry he was and he'll do anything to get his family back".

"Well he should've thought about that before he went and got another girl pregnant".

This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Stop being stubborn and go talk to your man so the two of you can be back a couple" Brittany said.

"I don't know about all that, he done showed me a whole other side of him I never seen. And who's to say he might flash out again".

"It wouldn't hurt to try Des".

"Not making any promises but I'll try".

"Good now let's go back in the house cause I'm hungry".

As we walk back in the house the guys was still talking amongst themselves. I watch as Destiny went over to Anthony and said something in his ear causing him to get up and follow her towards the back.

I hope everything goes smooth with them.

Not much but what y'all thinking?

Should they get back together or be better off as friends?

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