T.M.L 4

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Why did I even bother to come see June when clearly she really didn't want nothing. I'm already starting to feel that Destiny probably thinking I'm cheating, once I leave June alone everything can get back to how it was.

To sum everything up on who is June, we met each other in Houston when I was on tour. She's also a singer and from then on we start kicking it as friends nothing else.

"What's going on with you June? I hope you know after this I won't be seeing you again".

"And why is that"?

"Don't play you already know why plus we're friends".

"I'm aware of that Anthony,you making it seem like that I'm thinking more to our friendship".

"Mhm yeah, anyway what brings you here to Cali"?

"I kinda need a favor".....


"Girl if you jump one more time" I glare at Bri.

"It hurts let me take a break".

"What happen to I can handle a needle" Des mock Brittany.

Brittany wanted a tattoo but now all of a sudden she giving a hard time.

"Give me a minute then Illegal be ready" Bri tells me going to the restroom.

While she was handling her business I start sketching out another drawing.

"I can draw that better than you" looking up from the paper there stood Chris with his lip twisted up.

"Boy please I can draw way better than you, besides Bri is getting herself a tattoo" right after I said that she come walking out the restroom.

"Hey my Chrissy Pooh" she squeal jumping on Chris.

"Chill out with that name" Chris tell Bri as he peck her lips before putting her down.

"Okay love brids can you stop with all the lovey dovey, come on Bri so I can somewhat be half way finish with your sleeve".

In a little bit Lucas should be coming with my food.


I end up staying at the shop with the girls to kill time. Jas was almost done with Bri tattoo, I'm thinking about getting a couple more.

"Lawd Des you look like you about to pop at any second" I rub her belly feeling the twins move.

"Don't touch me cause you done got them started" she pop my hand.

"So mean, all I was trying to do was talk with the twins".

"Talk all you want just don't touch my belly cause they get to moving around".

"Does it hurt"? I ask touching her belly again.

"Not as much".

Pulling my phone out to check the time both Ant and Lucas come walking in the shop with some Pizza Hut boxes.

"Oh yeah y'all boys done came through cause I'm starving".

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