T.M.L 19

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I end up stopping by Ant house to see what was going on. Something was telling me to go check on him, it was a good thing I still got a key to his house.

"Yo Ant where you at"? I called out entering the house.

"Fuck my life"!!! Was all I heard then the next thing I know things start being thrown.

It was coming from the bed which was lock and by the noise that was being heard, Anthony was in there going off.

"Yo chill cuz open the door, what you got going"?

"Man fuck life, I'm about to end everything".

When he said that I instantly dial Destiny number, I knew for a fact she could stop him. While I was calling her I was trying my best to get him to calm down.


"The two stars will be expecting a little one soon, I can't wait to find out what they're having".

Turning off the t.v. I grab my phone to call up Brittany to see what she was doing since I was free for today. My mom had the kids since she didn't want me to hire a nanny.

Just when I was about to press Bri number, Lucas name pop on the screen calling me.


"Des you need to come by Ant's house he has lost his mind".

"What you mean he lost his mind"? I was already leaving out the door.

"He up here trying to take his life, just get here quick" and with that Lucas ended the call.

I don't know how fast I was driving but I my main focus was to get to Anthony. By the time I got there, the house was a mess.

I ran into Lucas. "Where is he"?

"In the room with the door lock".

"Anthony please open the door" I tell him.

"Leave me alone Destiny!!! You done with me remember".

"Please open the door we can talk about this" he didn't say anything for a minute until I heard a gun go off like ten times.

By then both Lucas and I start kicking the door trying to get in, the door finally open causing me to hit the floor.

I got myself up to see bullet holes in the wall and Anthony standing by the bathroom door glaring at me.

"You cause this" he said above a whisper.

"Ant listen give me the gun, you don't have to do this" I slowly walk towards him but suddenly stop once he aim the gun at me.

I never seen this side of him ever, this shouldn't went far as it did.

"Whoa Ant are you crazy what you doing put the gun down" Lucas said getting in front of me.

"Stay out of this before I kill you, she think she's going to leave me and take my kids away from me. If I can't have you then no one else will either".

"Lucas leave I got this trust me".

"You sure"?

"Positive" once Lucas left Anthony still had the gun towards me.

"I fuck up one time and you holding it against me, I don't know how many times I have to say I'm sorry to get you back".

"You lied and hurt me how you think I suppose to feel? You went and got this girl pregnant".

"Like I plan that to happen!!! I still love you no matter what June got going. I'll be there for my child, far as her she's nothing but the mother of my child".

"Can you put the gun down"?

"You want me to put the gun down? Huh? Or better yet I pull the trigger on myself" Anthony held the gun up to his chin making my heart drop.

His eyes was blood shot red, this was a whole different person, whatever he took had him so far gone.

"Don't do this, I would never leave you Ant. I love you too much for you to do this, give me the gun" I step a little closer.

"Back up Destiny I'm not playing I will pull the trigger".

Tears was just falling down my face seeing all this go down. I wasn't sure if there were any more bullets left on the gun or not, it was one way to find out though.

"If you gonna pull the trigger....then pull it".

Without any hesitation he pull the trigger, thankful nothing came out. Anthony drop to his knees crying his eyes out, I wrap my arms around him as he continue to cry.

Grabbing the gun that was laying in front of me, I look to see that it was only one bullet in the chamber.

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