T.M.L 27

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"Breaking news, the pop star June Sanchez has passed away while giving birth. Stay tune for more information once we come back from a commercial break".

"I heard what happen on the news, is the baby okay"?

"Yeah she's fine, once I get everything situated I'll be back home".

I can tell by the sound of his voice he wasn't alright.

"If you need me I'm one call away".

"Thanks Des, I'll call you later on".

"Okay" ending the call I went to go check on the twins. Anthony should already know that I got his back no matter what. I'm willing to treat that little girl like she's my own.



Coming back from the store to get a few things that my baby girl would need until I get back home. By June being gone this still feel like a dream or something.

I appreciate Des looking out for me as I'm going through this. Heading back to the nursery to check on Jahnyia to make sure the nurse was doing her part.

By the time I got there, some girl was holding my child.

"Who are you"? I went to grab my baby until the nurse spoke up.

"This is June sister Apryl".

I wasn't aware that June had a sister. By the look she was giving me, she wasn't to happy see me here like I care.

"So you're the jerk that got my sister pregnant and then treated her like shit".

"First off watch ya mouth around my daughter, why you here and how come I never heard of you"?

I hope she didn't think she was going to get full custody of Jahniya, cause I'm willing to go to court if I have to.

"I think it's best for the two of you to step out and discuss this in private" the nurse tell us as she took the baby from June sister.

"I have nothing else to say''.

''Sure about that cause I have custody of my niece'' she pull out a sheet of paper from her purse handing it to me.

Glancing at the paper sure enough it said it. Why would June pull a stunt like that?

''You see Anthony my sister had got a restraining order on you once she found out that you was admitted in the mental hospital.

I don't think she would want her baby no where around you".

''Well since June is no longer here I will get custody of my child, I'll see you in court''.

''I doubt if you win custody but okay, just know by tomorrow my niece will be coming home with me'' she went on and left as I went back in to see my child.

I didn't give a damn about no restraining order on me, all that is a bunch of bullshit. After sitting with my baby, I start making phone calls so I could get a good lawyer that can help me win this case against June sister.

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